Lan Wanji's Life. 10

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It had been four months since Wanji last heard from the journalist, and the silence gnawed at him like an untended wound. He knew better than to be too forward, so he waited. Another month passed, and still, nothing. The journalist had vanished into the ether, leaving Wanji no choice but to take matters into his own hands. He packed his bags and left for America, hoping the change of scenery might clear his head.

America, though, presented its own challenges. Wen Chao, was always around, lurking in the same circles. They moved like parallel lines that should never cross, yet Wanji found himself constantly on edge, trying to avoid him.

One evening, as the sun began to set and cast long shadows over the suburban neighborhood where Wen Chao was staying, he went out for his usual evening stroll. The air was cool and quiet, save for the distant hum of cars. Wanji was deep in thought, his mind racing through recent events when a voice interrupted his solitude.

"Hey, are you lost?" a man's voice called out.

Wanji turned toward the voice and immediately recognized the man. Wen Chao. His breath caught in his throat, but he quickly masked his emotions. Wen Chao, however, showed no signs of recognition. Relief washed over Wanji, and he forced a casual smile.

"No, no, I'm not lost," Wanji said, feigning ignorance. "I'm looking to buy a house. Getting married next month." He grinned, playing the part of a soon-to-be-groom. His mind raced with the thought that this charade might keep Wen Chao off his trail.

Wen Chao's face brightened with interest. "I have a few for sale," he said with an equally wide smile. "Why don't you come inside for a cup of tea, and we can discuss?"

Wanji hesitated for a moment but realized this was his opportunity to see Marie. "Sure," he said. "I'm Jackson, by the way." He extended his hand.

"Wen Chao," the man replied, shaking Wanji's hand firmly.

Together, they walked into the house. As they stepped inside, a woman's eyes widened in shock as she saw Wanji. It was Marie, and the fear in her eyes confirmed she remembered him. But Wanji's stern look silenced her, and she quickly composed herself.

"This is Jackson," Wen Chao said casually, unaware of the tension between the two.

"I'm Marie," she said with a smile that didn't reach her eyes. "Tea or coffee?"

Wanji, keeping his voice calm, replied, "Coffee, please."

Marie hurried off to the kitchen while Wen Chao gestured for Wanji to sit. Wanji sat down on the couch, taking in the familiar surroundings. He had been here before, but now the stakes were higher. Marie returned with the coffee, handing it to him before sitting beside her husband.

"So, what kind of house are you looking for?" Wen Chao asked, sipping his tea.

"I like your home. Recommend something similar," Wanji said, pretending to be engrossed in the conversation.

Wen Chao smiled. "I have just the place. Let me get my laptop to show you some pictures."

As soon as Wen Chao left the room, Wanji leaned closer to Marie, his voice barely a whisper. "What happened?"

"They killed him on the plane," Marie whispered back, her eyes darting toward the stairs.

"You were supposed to give him a new passport and name," Wanji said, his tone laced with accusation.

"I did. I don't know how they found him," she replied, her voice trembling.

"Did they know you gave him the money?" Wanji asked, his eyes narrowing.

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