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Wang lay on his bed, his phone in his hand. He checked the time. When it clocked 2 am, he knew his grandmother would be fast asleep. With a plan in place, he packed his bag, selecting only the necessary items. He quietly slipped out of bed, careful not to make noise. After picking up the bag and his shoes, he tiptoed out of the house and quietly closed the door behind him.

Outside, the moon shone brightly, casting a pale light upon the deserted streets. Wang quickly put on his shoes and silently walked, careful not to make a sound. He looked around, ensuring no one was nearby. With his heart pounding, he quickly walked towards town, his legs carrying him forward with determination.

As Wang walk through the night, someone stood in the shadows nearby. A large tree hidden in the darkness concealed the figure. The figure suddenly smirked, revealing a sinister grin. Without hesitation, the person pulled out their phone and dialed a number. The ringing echoed through the night, piercing the silence.

Meanwhile, at the palace, Zhan and Cheng discussed their town's pressing matters.

Why don't we build schools? I heard kids from the villages trek for an hour and a half to get to school. It's exhausting. When they walk home, they will be too tired to remember what they picked up from their teachers. Zhan said sadly.

"Why don't we go even further?" Cheng suggested. "Instead of building schools, why don't we provide school buses? They can pick the children up in the morning and drop them off in the afternoon. We can build malls, banks, and a few other essential facilities to make the town more convenient for everyone."

That sounds like a brilliant plan, Zhan replied. "However, if we build one school in their community, they won't have to walk long distances and will have more energy to retain the knowledge imparted by their teacher. Not only will it make education more accessible for the children, but it will also create job opportunities for the townspeople. Cheng's daughter could work at the bank and his son could establish a medical practice here. It's a win-win situation for everyone."

While they were talking, Zhan's phone rang. "Who could call you at this time of the night with a private number?" Cheng asked.

Zhan glanced at his phone. "I'm not sure," he replied dryly, hesitant to answer. "If it's critical, they will call with their number." He let the call ring to voicemail and continued the discussion with Cheng.

Cheng, growing frustrated with the incessant ringing, snatched the phone from Zhan's hand and answered the call, putting it on speaker. "Who is this?" he demanded, his voice filled with annoyance.

The voice on the other end laughed sinisterly, sending chills down their spines. "Your mate is running away. I wonder what you did to him," the voice taunted, confirming Zhan's most severe fear.

They exchanged alarming glances before Zhan spoke. "I didn't catch that. What did you say?" he asked, his voice trembling with anxiety and anger.

The voice on the other end chuckled darkly. "Oh, you didn't hear me? I said, your mate is running away. I wonder what you did to him," the voice taunted. The sound of sinister giggling filled the air before the call abruptly dropped. This left Zhan and Cheng stunned.

"I told you he was up to something," Zhan growled, his voice reverberating through the whole place.

"Do you recognize the voice?" Cheng asked. His voice was filled with concern and suspicion.

"No," Zhan hissed, his anger building up. Zhan clenched his fists, his eyes narrowing with determination. "I may not recognize the voice, but I know one thing for certain. My wolf does not lie to me. He told me Wang was up to something." Zhan's instincts were rarely wrong, and his wolf's intuition had saved him many times before.

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