The elemental battle

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Blader Dj: and this battle between the couple is about to begin, who will win! Kuro or Hikaru!

Kuro/Hikaru: LET IT RIP!

The two bets immediately meet each other in a head on clash creating a huge shockwave on impact

The toe then clash over and over again creating more and more huge shockwaves

Blader Dj: Three huge battles are raging on! In the forest Kuro and Hikaru are going head to head neither of them are giving an inch, L drago also unleashes a tremendous counter attack! But what about the ferry stadium

But back to Kuro and Hikaru

Hikaru: alright Aquario! Do not quit! Show that tiger whose boss!

Aquario unleashed a barrage of attacks onto Tigris pushing it back

Hikaru: since Aquario's evolution it's gained the ability to change modes, but this is its natural state, it's power and speed have given it the power to unleash barrage attacks

And that's what Aquario does it slams into Tigris over and over again with the power growing every time

Kuro smirks: Not bad Hikaru, but not good enough!

Hikaru: huh?

Kuro: You know what to do Tigris!

Tigris ducks down dodging the incoming attack and then slams into aquario from be,ow sending it flying back

Blader Dj: Aquario gave Tigris a run for its money with those barrage attacks but now 'Tigris has started pushing aquario into a corner' the tide of the battle has turned once again

Tigris unleashes a ferocious attack onto aquario pushing it back

Hikaru smirks: your battle style, it's gets me so pumped!, but you made one miscalculation babe

Kuro: and what's that?

Hikaru: Heh, over the all the time we've been together, I've watched every single one of your battles, I've been there watching you, observing analysing, I know how you battle, So now Aquario! Afterimage!

Tigris passed right through and that's when aquario appeared behind it

Hikaru: Now it's time for something new that you haven't quite seen yet! Aquario! Riptide!

Aquario unleashes flying blades of water at Tigris which the bey has to dodge over and over again

Blader Dj: and once again the tide turns! This time Aquario has Tigris on the run! Will Hikaru clench this victory or does Kuro have anything else in his bag of tricks

Kuro: (Hikaru's got a bigger arsenal of tricks than I do, not to mention she knows my battle style, she's really is amazing)

Kuro starts laughing

Hikaru: and what's so funny?

Kuro: Nothing just that you're incredible, but as you know there's no way in hell I'm gonna let you win this!

Hikaru: I wouldn't expect anything less! Keep on the pressure Aquario!

Kuro: (that's it!, I've got it!)

Hikaru:(dammit I know that looks he's figured me out already)

Tigris rushed forward towards Aquario and then like the agile cat it represents it starts dodging and weaving, making sure that every blade misses it

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