Chapter 91

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I look at the woman who is starring at Harry and I, her gaze burning me and I realized that to her I was taking her daughter's boyfriend away, Melina loved Harry and I'm the home wrecker.

I quickly drop his hand from mine and the woman starts crying, she nears me and just when I thought her risen hand would slap or punch me, her hand caresses my cheek, watching me intently while tears were everywhere in her eyes.

I had almost forgotten how much Melina and I look alike, we could easily be twins especially face wise, I did my best not to retort from her touch, I can't imagine what it feels like to lose a daughter. Never the less to find a girl who is identical to her and is dating your daughter's old boyfriend.

"Miranda, this is Olivia" Harry was first to speak, he kneeled down to pick up the bouquet of flowers she had dropped, placing them beside the flowers Harry had brought. "My girlfriend" he grabbed my hand again this time squeezing it comfortably.

That title still fazed me, I never would have thought that I would end up loving Harry, I always feel like it was too good to be true but it can't. For once life is actually being good to me and him.

"Sh-She looks just like-" she wept not being able to finish her own sentence as she scanned me from head to toe.

"Melina, I know" Harry's words were soft and delicate, as if afraid of speaking them.

"How? How was this possible?" Miranda was still struck with tears in her eyes now more wild.

"Miranda I hope you don't think that I'm replacing your daughter-"

"Oh but you are Harry, you've replaced her millions of times," the woman cleared her eyes "You think it doesn't run around town that you sleep with millions of girls? You replaced my daughter with any whore you could find"

"But it isn't like that with Olivia," he said bringing me closer, the warmth of his body radiated through me sending goosebumps everywhere "I love her" those words were a graceful sound, I loved hearing this from him, I loved him.

"You used to love my daughter!" Miranda spat.

"I did, I'll always remember her, she was my first love, the mother of my child that was never born but I hope is somewhere in heaven with her," he sighed and I knew it was taking all his willpower not to cry "but Olivia is alive, like me and I'm allowed to love her or anyone else, Melina would have wanted that"

Miranda broke down again, this time her eyes showed anger and bitterness towards me "I hope you're happy" she spat towards me "I hope you have fun being with him knowing that the only reason he wants you is because you look like my daughter" she pulled out her phone and shoved the screen to my eyes, there was a picture of Melina smiling, hugging Harry close with one arm and her mother with the other, she looked so petite, probably a little taller than me but not by much, her eyes were a gorgeous golden color and she looked so confident and happy. Harry did too, his smile exposing both of his dimples, curls framing his face not in his usual quiff but brushed out and let loose, he was actually wearing color, a navy blue polo shirt, khakis and sneakers. He looked so different I had to squint and make sure it was actually him. Miranda looked happy too, she looked much younger than her broken down self does right now, makeup finely done, her curvy body resembling her daughter's, she looked to be a little taller than Melina, her hair didn't have gray streaks in it, now it does. Everything seemed simpler in that picture, I felt even more awful and I began to feel my eyes water.

Harry's grip brought me closer and I turned to look away from the picture "We're leaving" he informed Miranda.

"First my daughter dies because of you and now you replace her? You never loved her Harry. Never!"

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