Chapter 9

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"Let's hangout for lunch!" Eleanor smiled as I put my books in my locker, today I had become more accustomed to Eleanor and she isn't at all how I pictured her, we actually have a couple stuff in common.

"I can't I need to talk with Rosie about something" I said but she rolled her eyes.

"Forget her! C'mon I want you to meet some friends please!" she begged, hmm, would I have more fun with Eleanor who is so care-free or Rosie who will most likely be mad about leaving her. Eleanor it is.

"Fine, let's go" I smiled and then she stopped me "What?" I asked.

"This is how you get free lunch without waiting in line" she smirked, as she went to a table full of loser guys most of them seemed to be amazed by her beauty.

"Hey Rony" she flirted.

"H-Hey Eleanor" he stuttered.

"God, the line is so long, I was really feeling like an apple, or two" she giggled.

"You can have mine and Rodger's" he then handed them to her.

"Thanks, you are worth a million!" she beamed handing me an apple. "I'll teach you how to use your own beauty for it" she smiled.

"I'd rather be in line" I laughed biting into the apple.

As we were going to her friend's table I past Rosie who gave a you've-got-to-be-kidding-me look.

I just gave her a sly smile and then Eleanor dragged me to the table, Rosie was rolling her eyes but I was just smiling. The smile faded as my eye sight came in contact with Harry's, knowing it would bug him that a girl who is friends with his ex-girlfriend also known to him as the preppy girl I sat down next to Eleanor with a smirk.

"What are you doing here?" Harry spat as a blue haired girl was stroking his hair.

I was about to open my mouth to reply to his rude tone but Eleanor interrupted me "She's my new friend, I wanted her to meet my own friends"

"But she's a prep, why should she care to socialize with us?" Eleanor's boyfriend Louis said.

"I'm not a prep, just because I have friends there doesn't mean I'm one, it's my second day you expect me to be popular?" I asked.

"They're popular amongst themselves because truly we despise them" a black haired boy said.

"Olivia is way different just give her a chance" Eleanor said.

"A chance? Look we can all see she's a stuck up bitch like all the other people of her kind!" Harry spat.

"And exactly what are people of my kind like?" I asked crossing my arms, suddenly the apple I was eating became far less interesting.

"You get everything handed to you, and the worst you've been through is loosing your phone charger" he spat out again more harshly then the last time.

The whole group nodded and some even said yeah, you bet she is I felt upset, nobody here knows what I've been through they can't just judge me, I don't need this I have Rosie, Liam and that whole group who are 10 times nicer than this one excluding Eleanor who really is the only nice one.

"Well, if you all feel that way, I should go somewhere with my kind goodbye" I kept my head up and walked towards Rosie's group who kindly received me.

"What happened?" Rosie asked as I threw away the apple.

"I tried to get along with those delinquents and they called me a stuck up bitch" I said anger tracing every word.

"I bet Harry started it didn't he?" Liam asked, I nodded making him sigh.

"I told you to stay away, that group thinks we're all bitches they're just jealous because we don't actually have a jail cell reserved for us" Rosie laughed as I traded seats with Glimmer for to be right next to her.

I actually laughed, I noticed Harry's group looking at me.

"Anyway, party Friday, my home you're all invited, we'll have powder" Aiden smirked everyone started to get happy when I was lost.

"What's powder?" I asked.

"You'll see on Friday" Rosie grinned, she passed a hand through her red hair.

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