Chapter 73

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I blinked and took a chance to glance at Harry, who was starring right at me just as confused.


"Olivia don't listen to him he's a loon" my mum said placing an arm around me trying to separate me even more from Harry, I wanted to go and double check that he had no injuries from the fall this brutal man gave him, I wanted to trap just the two of us somewhere and have him close to me and only me.

"No tell her, tell her the truth for once, tell her who her real father is" I had even more confusion in my head as I stared at my mother.

"Can you explain this?" I face her and suddenly my mind had left Harry, I wanted to know what was going on, why this man was saying this.

"Olivia if you come with me somewhere private I will explain"

"Why? Apparently he already knows," I gestured towards Harry's stepdad "And I trust him" I gestured towards Harry, I saw him tense up a bit and my mother stared at him as if he was unworthy of me or even looking at me.

My mother sighed "Steve is your real father" she spoke slowly and I felt myself gasp.

I wasn't even looking but I could tell Harry was as shocked as I was and I took in a breath and did the unexpected, I laughed.

Both my mum and Harry's stepfather looked at me oddly while Harry could sense that I was laughing because I had no other way of reacting.

"You guys are hilarious, this is a joke right?" I spoke but realized nobody was reacting "Right?"

"No hun" my mum spoke and I felt every bit of me collapse.

"Why? How? Who?" was all I could choke up as I struggled to not cry.

"Olivia if you just listen I promise-" my mother begged.

"You lied to me, everyone's been lying to me" I looked at her like if she magically grew two heads.

"Just listen and if you want to judge me after then you're more than welcomed to" my mum begged once more.

I stared at her and Steve looking up to see Harry still there and I wanted nothing but to hear him tell me that he was here for me.

"I got pregnant with you at sixteen, I thought I loved Steve but when I told him he left me, I got lucky because your dad- Jeremy who had been my admirer for all of middle school and high school, he was eighteen and took responsibility for you, he lied to his parents and mine that you were his," she stopped to glance at Steve who seemed to be enjoying this, her look full of hatred. "We got married when I turned eighteen because his acts made me fall in love with him, then we had Max and Charlotte, I know I should've told you but I promised your dad- Jeremy, that I wouldn't he wanted you to consider him a father always and he loved you just like one"

"But he isn't my dad! Instead this man is!" I wanted to cry really bad, I tried to contain it but I felt a tear fall down my cheek.

"Olivia I'm sorry, but a father is someone who loves you like one and-"

"Both my fathers left me," I smiled sarcastically "How do you think that feels?"

"I wasn't going to tell you ever but Steve showed up and-"

"Don't blame it on me, you moved here and either way she would've found out eventually"


"Harry take me to Jeremy's home" I said pushing past my mum to go inside and grab my backpack.

"What's wrong?" Max ran up to me and then it hit me, he isn't my brother, not my full brother just my half brother, his father didn't walk out on his mother because she got pregnant he left for other reasons.

"I-I'm leaving" I said hugging him but then backing away and grabbing my backpack.

"But-" I slammed the door shut before he continued.

"You delinquent better not take her anywhere you hear me?" I heard my mother spat at Harry's face.

"If you take her I swear you're going to get it when you come back" Steve spat at him as well.

I stood behind my now parents with Harry's eyes right on me, he seemed almost unbothered by the things they were throwing at him.

"Let's go Olivia" he grabbed my wrist with his hand and my mother yelled.

"Don't do this Olivia"

"I can't stand to see either of you right now and his name's Harry not delinquent mum" I almost felt guilty because I used to refer to him by that once as well but not anymore.

"Listen to your-" I walked away before Steve could give me orders like he deserved to and followed Harry to his car.

I sat in his car leaning back on the seat as he drove off and parked a block away "Are you okay?" he actually sounded like he cared and I swallowed hard.

"Honestly? No, but I need to talk to Jeremy" I grabbed my backpack "Take me here" I said handing him the paper Jeremy once gave me with his address that I had shoved in my backpack and he sighed.

"Maybe you should calm down before" I looked at him.

"I'm calm, I'm so freaking calm!" I kicked my backpack as more tears came out.

"just breathe in" I did as told "Then breathe out" I let the air out and felt my body relax slightly.

"Why did you actually bring me?" I asked.


"My mother told you not to and your stepdad, or Steve, threatened you"

He shrugged "Steve doesn't have the balls to"

I chuckled sarcastically "Apparently he had enough to make this" I pointed at myself making Harry shiver.

"Hoping you got that face and body from your mum" I felt my face flush at his words but I instantly felt it go sad again.

"You know how it feels to find out you've been lied to your whole life?" I asked.

"No, or at least not like you" he said and the rest of the drive was quiet as so many thoughts pondered my mind, how could Steve just walk out on my mum like that? Why did Jeremy just claim me as his? He must have loved my mum a lot back then to have done that.

"We're here," he parked on the side "I'm guessing you want to go alone don't you?"

"I think it's best, I need him to answer one question"

"Which would be?"

"Why he claimed me as his when I wasn't, why he never wanted me to find out" I breathed in deeply "I'll be right back"

I exited the car and went towards the front door of the small home, the garden was dried out with barley any sunlight we receive in England and the door had scratches on it, the home seemed probably about three or two bedroom in sizing.

I paced myself knowing that I would need a beginning sentence and I had no idea what to say, my fingers burned from the cool air that hit my bare arms and my torso which was only clothed by a thin shirt felt numb. I climbed the two steps and without thinking knocked, I panicked knowing that I had no way of going back.

"Olivia?" Jeremy looked shocked, almost happy to see me in front of him, I felt sickened by the way he continued the charade of being my biological father.

I sucked my breath still lost in what to say "Y-You're not my father" I couldn't think of any way to start this but that exact way.

"What? Are you a loon of coarse I am" I saw a moment of hesitation flash through him in between the sentence, I felt my stomach churn with his lies.

"Stop lying, you and I both know you're not, my mum confessed everything to me" I spat out.

"Look Olivia I know what you're thinking, why did I claim you-"

"Yeah. I am a little curious about that" I sniffed.

"The only way I can explain it is that I felt this instant need to look after you the minute your mother confessed it to me, I loved your mother and I wanted to watch you grow up so the best way I thought to do so was claim you as mine"

"Why did you never want me to find out? Why did you tell my mother to not tell me anything?"

"Because I wanted to prevent this, I wanted to prevent you-"

"Honey what do you want for dinn-" his "wife" came out holding her huge pregnant belly with a spatula in hand, as soon as she saw me she held onto his shoulder like if I was a threat to her, she held her baby bump with one hand and Jeremy with the other as if claiming to me that this was her family, that this was the family that nor me, Max or Charlotte were a part of.

"You know what forget it, I forgot that you have a new family now and now I'm not apart of anything that connects you to us, because I'm not your daughter, and honestly I don't know whether to be happy or mad, the man who faked his death isn't really my father but yet my biological father is a rude and ruthless jerk" I walked away feeling my eyes water again and then I walked back to Harry's car, demanding him to pull out ignoring his questions as to why I was crying.

"Are you going to tell me why you're fucking crying?" he almost hissed at me making me look down at my hands.

"No, just take me to Tony's and leave me there"


"I already got you in enough trouble Harry, your stepfather-"

"Your dad" he interrupted.

"Your stepfather" I spoke again "He's very violent and-"

"I don't care you can't be alone when you're like this"

"I-I won't, Calum works today, I have him to watch after me," I could tell that he wasn't pleased with what I said when I saw him clutch the steering wheel.

"Nobody you hear me, nobody will watch after you when I can" his stern yet angered voice startled me slightly.

"Harry please don't start" I sniffled still pained by everything that happened today and leaned back on his seat as I recognized the way which was to Tony's.

He stayed silent the whole trip there and by the time he parked in the parking lot I saw him unbuckle his own seatbelt.

"What are you doing?"

"I told you I don't need you here"

"I told you I wasn't leaving you here" he mimicked me making me roll my eyes.

"No Harry, I'm not some little kid"

"How do you plan on even getting home?"

"Calum will drive me"

I heard his own sarcastic laugh "So now that stupid Calum does every thing for you?" he questioned, he looked pissed off and I didn't want to play with it.

"Just stop Harry please, leave and I'm sorry for ruining things for you"

"No, look at least let me come in and make sure Calum is there and then I'll leave"

I sighed deeply "Fine" I huffed and opened the car door, Harry was hot on my trails as I opened the door.

I found a booth and Harry sat across from me, I spotted Calum who quickly rushed towards me.

"Long time no see Belle" Calum quirked a smile at me but then stopped when he spotted Harry's glare, I kicked Harry under the table making him wince a bit.

"Hey Cal," I forced a smile as I tried to not cry.

"You okay?" he asked, I hadn't realized how easily we ignored Harry but he glared at Calum.

"I'm fine" I lied, I didn't find any reason in explaining why I was feeling this way, I wanted to cry in some stranger's chest, that way they couldn't question me.

"No you're not why don't you just-"

"She said she's fine" Harry snapped, I turned to face him my stomach feeling warm as I thought that maybe he was jealous, even though the realistic part of me knew it was impossible.

"What can I get you?" Calum ignored Harry's remark and I faced him again.

"I want three tequila shots"

"Olivia" Harry said.

"What? Weren't you leaving anyway?" I snapped at him, I felt bad because it was my fault he was getting himself into who knows what when he gets home with his stepfather- my biological father. I was just irritated by everything by being lied to me whole life by having Harry think he knows best for me when really he doesn't because I'm the only one who knows best for myself.

"No" I saw his jaw tense up "I'm not leaving you to get drunk"

"Well I'm drinking anyway so you either watch me or you leave" I looked at Calum with deadly eyes. "Bring me what I told you"

Calum glanced at Harry who gave him a signal to go away and sat in front of me sighing.

I began to wonder why Harry doesn't just leave, I made it clear that nothing he did would make me leave so why does he still want to be here?

Maybe he wants to drink with you my annoying subconscious irked me.

"What?" Harry said and just now did I realize that I was starring at him, I still couldn't get over the fact that just a little bit ago I hated him, but maybe I never hated him, just wasn't fazed by him.

"Why are you still here? All I'm doing is causing problems for you, Calum will watch me you don't have to"

"Well Olivia Belle," my stomach tingles with the nickname he drew back "I am a strong believer that nobody should drink alone, it makes the lonely-ie not feel lonelier." He smirked.

"Well thank you," I said sarcastically "but this lonely-ie does not feel lonely at all" I crossed my arms in time to have Calum bring me my drink, he brought one for Harry as well and left the bottle of tequila on the table.

He and Harry watched as I gulped down a whole shot within less than two seconds of receiving it and when I hit my third one Calum dragged Harry who was still on his first shot.

I drank but listened closely to what they talked about given that they were only a couple feet away.

"What's wrong with her?" Calum's voice asked.

"Let's just say she found out something awful today" Harry trailed.

"Oh god is she pregnant?" I could hear the shock in Calum's voice and I almost choked on the heavy and burning tequila half way down my throat.

"What? No!" Harry said, he came back to sit before I could hear anything else.

"Olivia stop, if you drink too fast you could get alcohol poisoning" Harry's warm hand removed my hand away from the bottle gently squeezing my wrist, even with about eight shots of strong tequila in me my stomach tightened at his touch, he enlightened so much in me and so I moved my wrist away, I didn't want to feel all nice and happy inside because of him when I'm miserable for other reasons.

"Maybe that's what I want" I sniffed, my body was beginning to untense with the most alcohol I put in it. "At least passed out in the hospital beats the fact that my whole life I was lied to"

"Don't say that" Harry got up to sit next to me, I didn't care, all I cared about was not caring.

"I feel, like everyone has lied to me" I think back to all those moments I spent with Jeremy, treating me like his little girl and me going along with it because I had no clue. That was all a lie. I didn't realize I was sniffling into Harry's shoulder until I felt him slowly and almost unsurely soothe my hair, it was these little things that told me he wasn't used to this and all this was out of his nature which made it a hundred times better that he was doing it with me.

I noticed how slowly he became more sure of the way he was comforting me when I heard Calum clear his throat awkwardly.

"I'll take the bottle" Calum said but I slapped his hand away. "Ow"

"No, I'm finishing it" I said "With Harry"

Harry sat up "Olivia just let him take it and I'll drive you home so you go to sleep and forget about this"

"No, either you drink it with me or I finish it" I could already hear in myself that I was a little tipsy, but I still wasn't enough to forget everything.

"Olivia you already sound a little drunk just-"

"No" I nearly shouted and served myself some more, I probably drank another four or five shots before I had the bottle pulled away from me.

"We're taking you home" Harry grabbed my hand, he didn't loop his fingers through mine which disappointed my drunk self.

"You take control a lot" I said "Are you like that during sex too?" I couldn't believe I said that but when I did I didn't care even if an adult heard me.

"Do you want to find out?" Harry snapped but I could hear a little amusement in his voice.

"I can just ask Wendy" I said "Remember her? That skinny giant girl you fuck instead of someone worth it?"

He stopped, facing me "Like you?"

"Like your bum"

"You're immature when you're drunk"

"You're stupid when you breathe" I mumbled, my feet getting tangled in themselves sometimes.

The drive to my apartment was full of me trying to put on country music on Harry's sacred radio. And Harry slapping my hand away.

"I want to hear Taylor Swift!"

"Name two songs" Harry said.

"Song one and song two"

"You're retarded and drunk"

"You're hot and stupid" I heard his laugh of amusement at my words as I shrunk in my seat. He ended up parking in the parking lot and helping me to the front door.

"Where's your key?" he asked.

"My back pocket" I said, I grabbed them but had them fall off my hands and to the floor, he picked them up and helped me inside, he shut the door behind him and just then I realized Christine was gone.

"Christine is gone, where or where could she be?" I asked in baby talk and squealed when he picked me up.

"You walk slow when you're drunk" he said un pleasured by my slowness and opened the door to my room.

He laid me down and then untucked my sheets from my bed, I felt a sudden urge to laugh at how he dropped me from his arms to my bed.

"Sh" he said "Go to sleep" his hands snaked to my shoes where he removed my sneakers leaving me in just socks.

"No" I whined bringing him towards me with my arms "I want you to make out with me"

"What?" Harry's voice was dark and slower than usual, his raspy voice made goosebumps raise in my body.

"Sh," my finger was placed on his lips "I hate the butterflies you cause in me, but I love them when you kiss me" I felt my chest rise and fall along with his, I knew my intoxicated body was making me spill all this out and I was torn whether I should be thankful to the alcohol or regretful. "Harry I-"

His lips connected to mine in a deep kiss, feeling every ounce of me feel relieved that he didn't turn me down.

"You should've told me you wanted me to kiss you sooner" he mumbled against my lips kicking his shoes off before climbing the bed with me.

My hand grabbed his shirt making him pull back, his forehead pressed against mine as well as his nose. "I can't do this Olivia, I can't sleep with you when you're drunk"

"I need you, I need you in every way Harry, I don't care if I'm drunk" I slurred.

"Look I know girls like you, good girls and they don't want to lose their virginity like this, they want to be in love, having a crush is different to loving someone"

"I know, I don't know if I love you but I don't care" I pushed his head close so that our lips kissed again, his tongue feeling all over my mouth before going down to my neck, he kissed my jawline then slowly went down my jawline and to my collarbone.

I didn't know if he was convinced now but I didn't question him when his hand snuck under my back to remove my shirt from over my head. My hand felt his toned stomach before my hand tugged at his jeans.


"Sh" I shut him up making his hands unbuckle my jeans, he groaned as I moved my hand from his neck down his spine slowly, my hand accidentally landing on his bum.

I felt his own lips kiss my collarbone, slowly going down the alley of my breasts and I felt myself tug at his hair as I moaned.

His hand was about to unclasp my bra my heart beating faster and faster when his hand suddenly stopped.

"I can't Olivia, I can't take advantage of you like this" he sighed giving my lips one last final kiss.

"Then stay here with me until I fall asleep, or all night, I'm scared of what your stepdad will do to you"

He sighed "Okay, but I hope you don't slap me tomorrow" he chuckled slightly. He handed me his shirt "So you don't get cold" his words almost sounded shyly and I felt myself smile a little.

"Thank you," I stopped him before he shut off the lights "Really thank you" I didn't want to get in depth that I was thanking him for not sleeping with me, I probably was going to regret it at the end.

"Let's just go to sleep" he gave me a sincere smile, I feel like I might be one of the only people he offers those to and that makes them even more special to me.

He laid down next to me, putting his arm around my waist his arm felt warm against his shirt and I felt him grab my hand again. This time interlocking our fingers.

*Hey c; Sorry for the wait I've been a little busy, I get pages of homework every night and I started working on a new fanfiction! I might post it sometime this week since I'm still sort of developing it, I want to tell you quickly that if you are one of those people who message me on Wattpad I'm sorry for not replying in so long! Wattpad is being mean and kicks me out before I can reply I swear I'll try and call to see if I can fix it!

I love you thanks for 67.4k! Xoxoxo -Jocelyn.

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