Chapter 34

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Hours turned into days and then before I knew it I was spending my last day in Mexico cleaning dishes with my least favorite person in this world; Harry.

While the rest of my class went to the Capital for the day and went to visit malls and such things like that, I'm here in a tension-filled room. Harry and I have been severely avoiding each other. I don't sit with Eleanor at Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner anymore and just sit with Hannah, Eleanor says she understands that it's best we avoid each other for now and so that doesn't worry me.

Tomorrow this whole nightmare is over, tomorrow I finally leave for home and then I only have to survive two days before I see Rosie, Liam, Aiden and everyone from Rosie's group that I've grown fond of, I want to see Max, our fights are something I miss of him and I wish to hear Charlotte's baby voice 'Sing' all around the house; all this is proving two things to me, number one I'm not even close to making it in a apartment with just Christine and number two I sure as hell won't make it when I leave for college in less than three months.

Honestly I'm getting nervous, I haven't gotten any news feed from the colleges I applied and time is running out, I need to know where I'm going and when I'll be going.

"Deep in thought?" Harry's raspy voice had became foreign to me, even if we've spent almost about a week trapped in a room together we try to avoid each other here as well, I trap myself in my thoughts and apparently so does Harry. Neither of us make an actual attempt to speak to one another and I like it that way, so this totally caught me off guard.

"Y-Yeah" I mentally slapped myself, why must my stuttering commence when I'm nervous or shocked? I looked down and thankfully he stopped his attempts to talk with me and the only sound that sounded was the broom sweeping the floor and dishes clattering against each other.

"Why is this awkward?" Harry finally spoke as I was dusting off some chips from a plate since for lunch we had burger and chips.

"Are you seriously playing dumb?" I had to hold back the urge to laugh and just said it with sternness. I can't believe he's acting so aloof to why we got to this situation. Not that we were ever in good terms.

"Dumb? I honestly don't get why we feel awkward with one another," he then paused before continuing "We both agreed that... action was a mistake"

"I know, but it happened and it's best if we stay away" I said looking down and finally glad that I finished with the dishes, now if I can clean the counter in less than 3 minutes I an gracefully exit this conversation.

"But why? Give one logical reason why?"

"You want a logical reason? Here's one, we always fight, has it ever occurred to you that maybe it's a sign that you and I just aren't in it for any sort of friendship? We're just too different" I then sprayed cleansing liquid all around the counter.

"Look, I'm not asking to be best friends but... maybe we can be, you know. Friends?" he shrugged making me drop the rag that's in my hands.

"Friends? You and me friends?" I almost laughed in his face but realized he was being serious. "Oh god you're serious?" I asked almost widening my eyes.

"Beats killing each other doesn't it?" he almost hissed and the edge in his voice was evident.

"True," I shrugged but still unsure whether I should actually agree "I kind of wanna have kids before I die" I chuckled.

"So friends?" he asked sticking out his hand for me to shake.

"Friends," I said slightly smiling, I'm still uneasy about agreeing, we seem to bicker over everything and one things for sure, a true friendship will take a while to bloom between us. We aren't like milk and cookies. We're like water and vinegar. "But I am not touching your hand after you took out the trash" I said chuckling making him send me a playful glare before putting his hand down.

Now to tell Rosie and Eleanor.


A whole day has passed since I saw Harry or anyone of his friends. Eleanor didn't take the whole being Harry's friend subject all to well. First she yelled - understandable - then she screamed and lastly she gave me the silent treatment and kept it like that for the rest of the day and plane ride.

It honestly scares me because if Eleanor, who's his friend, reacted in such a way. I can't imagine how Rosie will react, but I don't see what's so wrong. We aren't best friends, just agreed to not bicker as much, quite frankly I doubt we'll be able to go through with it.

And to make matters worse I have to face my mum telling her that I wasn't joking about moving in with Christine, it's a subject I can no longer push to the back of my head. Another subject that I find hard to push to the back of my mind is that last kiss Harry and I shared, even if it was almost one or two weeks ago that day still lingers freshly in my mind. Just the way his breath manages to stay so minty and that whole day that I really didn't want to choke him with my own hands.

That's huge considering that I feel like that with just one of his words.

"Olivia!" Max's voice sounded through the other side of my closed door, I almost jumped at his loud knock to my door.

"What?" I asked after inhaling a huge breath to calm my heart down, this is what happens when I enter deep in my thoughts, someone always interrupts them and I feel like I had a heart attack.

"Mum said aunt Karina is wanting to talk to you on the phone" That made my sprint out of my bed and tumble onto the floor, I didn't give myself enough time to grief over my pain because I need to get to the phone before aunt Karina even thinks about mentioning the apartment to my mum.

"Out of my way" I said pushing Max and regretting the fact that we have stairs, slowly I climbed down stairs only to face plant onto the floor in the last step.

"Honey! You alright?" mum rushed over to me as I groaned as I stood up.

"Um, yeah. Can I talk to aunt Karina?" I asked after rubbing my face, I can be such a klutz at times.

"Just wait, your aunt is telling me her recipe for a spaghetti sauce" she shushed me, I stood there impatiently as my mum wrote down notes.

"Go outside I'll call you when your aunt is ready to talk to you" my mum basically kicked me out, is it me or is that rude? I huffed as I walked outside. What to do, what to do.

"Hey" Harry's voice snuck up on me, I shivered as some of his warm breath grazed on my neck.

I turned around slowly to see him smirking with his hands in his pockets, "Hi" I managed to breath out as I passed a hand through my hair, he just smirked even more.

"Did I scare you?" he asked chuckling.

"Not exactly, I'm just a little jumpy today" I lied a bit, he didn't scare me but even if we agreed to be friends every time I look at him I think of that last kiss we shared.

"Obviously" he said shaking his head, "Heard Eleanor didn't really like the idea of you and I being friends" he said.

"Yeah, she basically threw a fit" I actually laughed when I remembered Eleanor's raged face when I told him.

"I wish I could've seen it" he said joining my laughter, okay this is scaring me, we're actually laughing. Not at each other but with each other. This is not going to be easy to get used to.

"It's crazy" I blurted making him cock a brow at me.

"What is?" he asked.

"That we're laughing with each other as if we were long time friends, we hated each other just a week ago"

"I wouldn't say I hated you" he said "Just hated that you weren't easy"

Is he saying that I'm easy now?

"So you're saying I'm easy now?" I tried to not snap at him by adding a fake laughter.

"I had my tongue in your mouth, you answer me" he whispered in my ear.

For some weird reason, his words didn't rage me, just froze me and made me relive those moments.

God what's happening to me, what happened to hating him?

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