Chapter 29

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The fuzzy feeling I had felt that one night was gone and confusion took it's place, why on earth would I ever even consider liking that kiss? It was a total mistake!

Mine, Harry's and Eleanor's punishment doesn't start until tomorrow, after these 2 days not much has happened, I ignore Harry's gaze and he he ignores mine.

People can't necessarily say something is weird between us because we are considered to be fighting.

Less than 2 weeks are left and once we get back there's still spring break, we return the first day of spring break.

Today we were going to go to a beach nearby, I've never been to the beach at this age my last time was when I was 9, I don't remember much just collecting seashells and being too afraid to get near the water at first.

"We have to wear shorts if we want to get in the water" Eleanor sighed putting down the pair of jeans that had been in her hand "I hate shorts!"

"I'd rather wear shorts than a bikini" I laughed.

Today I wore some mint green shorts almost teal with a simple white v neck tucked in and my sandals.

I wore my natural wavy hair and I only wore a bikini top so just in case I did get my whole body wet people wouldn't see my bra.

"I've never seen you in shorts" I laughed.

"Because I don't wear them" she made a disgusted face at those shorts.

I saw as she came out, the shorts were a black color and she ignored my warnings of the teacher getting her in trouble and only put on a black bikini top with a thin shirt under claiming she'd remove the top at the beach.

"I hear that the teacher is assigning us 'buddies' to explore the beach for a whole 2 hours, how childish" Eleanor scrunched her nose.

"Very! I just hope I don't get a dweeb" Louis butted in as she heard our conversation.

"Olivia Belle" the all too familiar voice was heard, I rolled my eyes.

"Can a day go by that you don't say both of my names?" I huffed.

"Nope" he smirked amused with my face. I want to slap him. The fact that he's still a jerk after our kiss is just utterly impressive.

"You know what?" I said getting ready to talk back to him but Eleanor covered my mouth.

"Will you two shut the hell up already? Harry quit being a jerk and Olivia quit talking back!" Eleanor said through gritted teeth.

I glared at him from a far with crossed arms.

As we walked down mostly all the class was downstairs already, chattering was heard all through out the room until the sound of Ms. Hill clearing her throat cut the sound off.

"I had originally planned for this trip to be spent with whoever you wanted," oh god "But due to 3 certain people that snuck out I assigned partners" I saw as Lindsey's eyes were on Harry, Eleanor and I.

People turned their heads towards us, I felt the heat rise to my cheeks as I realized that they caught onto what Ms. Hill was saying and a couple of "thanks a lot"s were sounded from people.

Eleanor and Harry seemed almost unaffected by this but I wasn't, I wasn't used to being the center of attention or of being talked about.

I heard as Ms. Hill assigned partner by partner. "Zayn you're with Hannah" Ms. Hill instructed making Zayn groan and move to Hannah's side, her face was full of awkwardness and Zayn just plainly seemed disgusted.

"Niall, you're with Delilah" Niall didn't react, he just shrugged smirking and going next to Delilah who politely went to his side but still keeping her distance. Delilah was the shy girl in our class, she was a little on the thick side but not as much and very beautiful. Sometimes I wondered if it was her insecurities that kept her from having an active social life. She had light brown hair that went all the way to her waist and just very beautiful features. I was jealous of how effortlessly beautiful she is.

"Louis.. You're with Eleanor--"

"Yes!" Louis cheered, not wasting time he walked over to Eleanor's side and draped an arm over her shoulder.

I was starting to tremble. Obviously Ms. Hill is doing this thing girl-boy style and there's only 4 of us.

Jeff, Miranda, Harry and I.

I was mentally begging I was with Jeff, he was another from Harry's group but he was more on the quiet side just like Zayn.

"Jeff, you're with..."

Please say Olivia, Please say Olivia, Please say Olivia!

"Miranda" Crap! I stared timidly for the next words that Ms. Hill would say.

"And well that only leaves Harry and Olivia so partners" Ms. Hill cheered, what did I ever do to her? Does she hate me enough to put me with that monster.

We only stared at each other not moving a muscle, my feet felt as if they were glued somehow and Harry's seemed no different.

"Go on! Stand next to each other!" she paused but we didn't move "Olivia! Harry! Stand next to each other!" she said through gritted

"No" Harry mumbled.

"No?" she asked.

"No" I said this time.

"You better stand next to each other" Ms. Hill warned. We stood motionless again, the only time something happened was when Niall picked me up and stood me right next to Harry.

I looked at him with disgust as Eleanor had an amused smirk to her face, would it hurt our friendship if I slapped her?

Luckily in the bus ride we didn't have to go with our partners because wow.


Not my best and honestly I didn't really try to I'm so mad Wattpad deleted the other version of this chapter! I'm steaming and I was pretty darn proud of it!

Well anyway I love you loves!


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