Chapter 45

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Appreciated; Rixton

Me and My Broken Heart; Rixton

She Looks so Perfect; 5SOS

Talking to the Moon; Bruno Mars

Harry's hands on my skin were soft and gentle and while my body relaxed my head was racing. Why is he here? Shouldn't he be making out or fucking Wendy?

Just as my bra was showing Harry sucked in a breath, he ran his fingers on my skin before pulling my shirt back down, I looked at him confused.

"It's too soon for me to take your shirt off, we can have fun with it on anyway" he winked at me, I could already feel myself blushing.

"Harry, just stop" I said pushing his hands away, I sat up but only to have his lips come onto mine again, the feeling was so foreign and I couldn't describe it. His hands were frozen on my hips, I could feel his narrow hips grinding on mine, I had to grip the window ledge not to moan.

His lips never trailed anywhere else in my body, they stood to my lips, his tongue grazing every part of my tongue. I actually liked that, the fact that he wasn't focused on going any further, just kissing me. I could feel my head being pounded by those thoughts, he's not safe for me, we shouldn't be doing this. What if my mom is here and she's just watching me making out with Harry who is clearly bad news?

I pulled away making him scrunch his forehead at me. "I need to go" I said reaching over to open the door but he grabbed my hand and then looked at me.

"I'll drive you" he said, I shook my head.

"My mum is going to come, in fact she might be here" I said brushing off his hand that had found a way to interlock our fingers.

"Are you sure? I wouldn't mind, in fact we could repeat that whole snogging session we had last time" he winked making me roll my eyes.

"I'm sure, now goodbye" I chuckled and opened the door, he came out after me grabbing my wrists and pinning me to the car.

His lips graced my own again, in a soft and slow kiss a kiss that stirred those weird and mixed emotions again, the things his simple kisses do to me.

I had to use all my force to leave and he just chuckled "Alright, well I'm gone, by the way, when you get home look out your window at nine" he said before climbing in his car and driving away.

I was, this time, actually alone in the parking lot, and I felt so relieved when I spotted my mum's white car, I gathered my small bag and then waved my hand so my mum could see where I was.

"I thought you'd never come" I sighed grabbing my seatbelt.

"I'm sorry, they held me back a bit, but hopefully you weren't too bored" she said sighing.

Oh, I wasn't bored at all.


I removed the towel that held my damp hair and then watched the wavy mess that was my hair.

I checked my phone. nine 'o clock on the dot, curiosity was what drove me to actually open the curtains that lead straight to Harry's room.

And just liked I expected he was standing there, smirking at me as he leaned on something, I noticed he pulled out his phone, nice Harry, make a phone call. I was about to close the curtains when my phone rang. It can't be? I mean he doesn't even have my number.

I answered it with shaking hands and then spoke "Hello?"

"Thought you wouldn't pick up" the deep, slow voice said as a chuckle of his rang through my ears.

"How did you get my number?" I asked immediately.

"How am I? Fine." I could practically hear the smirk in his face through the phone "But I got it from Eleanor"

"Eleanor gave you my number?" I rose a brow, how dare she? Giving people my number and yet she won't speak a word to me.

"Not exactly," he said, this time I sent him a confused look, I loved how since he was watching me I could make faces rather than actually answer. "I stole her phone in lunch" I saw the smirk play on his lips as I just chuckled shaking my head.

"Well, aren't you stupid"

"Now, now Olivia Belle, there is no reason for you to insult me, especially since today I was so close to-"

"Harry!" I scolded through the window.

"Harry!" he mimicked me in a high pitched voice.

"I will hang up" I said trying to sound serious but could hold back the laughter.

"Goodluck, I'll keep blowing up your phone if you do" he teased.

"Olivia who are you talking to?" I quickly turned around from the window shutting my curtain close as I looked at my mum.

"Oh, hey mum," I nervously put a strand of my hair behind my ear "I was um, or am, talking with Rosie" I lied straight through my teeth and I choose to believe that I tricked her by the convincing look she gave me.

"Can you hang up for a second? I need to talk to you seriously" I saw as she took a seat on my bed and I nervously put the phone back on my ear.

"You still there?" I spoke leaning against my window.

"Yeah, where'd you go?" Harry's voice rang through my ear and made a cold shiver run up my spine.

"Um, I needa go, my mum has something to tell me" I said slowly "Call me tomorrow?"

"Of coarse," his chuckle was again sending shivers down my spine and made my stomach get those mixed feelings again "And better listen to your mummy" he teased making me chuckle.

"Shut up, now I'm hanging up" I said and quickly hung up.

"You and Rosie must be getting really close" my mum smiled making me look confused.

"What?" I said raising a brow.

"You get this twinkle in your eyes when you talk to her, either she's becoming a close friend or it's a boy" my mum smirked, the smirk reminded me so much of Harry.

"It wasn't a twinkle mum, I yawned and got tears in my eyes" I said shaking my head, "Now, what do you wanna talk about?" I asked.

"You're not going to school tomorrow" she said plainly, I almost choked on the thin air, my mum hated me or my brother missing school, basically unless we had a fever or were throwing up our intestines out we were never excused, I actually went through a small depression when my dad died and that didn't stop my mum from sending me to school, but thanks to her I'm never in that hassle of catching up because I missed school.

"Why?" I asked after I composed myself.

"Your aunt Karina came and we had a nice two hour talk, why didn't you tell me you were still into that whole moving thing?" my mum asked, I flinched knowing what was next, first she was going to say no and then she was going to give me a long and annoying lecture.

"I knew you wouldn't let me," I tired to avoid eye contact but I couldn't help but glance at her once.

"Well, I wouldn't have," she took a long sigh before continuing "But your aunt convinced me that it was a great way for you to see how your college and adult life will be, besides I need to understand that you won't be here all the time" she gave me a warming smile.

"Thank you mum, I promise I'll visit you a lot" I smiled hugging her, I felt like a small amount of weight was lifted off me, one thing that I can scratch off of my 'things to worry about' list.

"You better" she chuckled, moments like this is when I missed my dad, him and his hugs.

If only he was here.


Well it's not the best chapter but I decided I made you guys wait on that little cliffhanger enough so yeah I love you all and don't forget that <3 goodbye my beautiful readers.


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