Chapter 10

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I was now sitting in History, next to Eleanor after her many apologizes about Harry and the whole group.

"Once again I'm so sorr- "

"Eleanor, It's fine alright? I can't change their thoughts of me, just like I can't change the prep's thoughts of your guys" I said.

"They just have to get used to having you around, let them know the real you, not who they think you are"

"That might work but Harry will always turn their thoughts on me" I huffed "Why does he hate me so much anyway?" I finally blurted, for the whole day that's been in my head, did I do something wrong because last time I checked he started everything.

"I wouldn't say he hates you, he's basically just a bitter person" Eleanor's voice even had some confusion.

"But why?"

"I don't know he's always been one and not even to his closest friends has he ever told anything, it's just not something he talks about"

"Alright class take your seats! I have big, big news!" Ms. Hill said.

Ms. Hill was a single 30 year old but she's been in a 5 year relationship with her boyfriend according to Rosie, who well isn't in this class.

This class I share with almost half of Harry's group including Harry the king of the jerks himself!

"It better not be another test!" Eleanor exclaimed followed by a bunch of muttered yeahs, this class had no Prep's so nobody here really judged Eleanor and all of them.

"No, not this time! As soon as Mr. Styles over there sits down I will announce!"

"Harry sit the hell down!" Louis yelled.

"Shut up I'm going" Harry huffed as he plopped on a seat next to Louis.

"Okay, well as you all know we've been studying about the Aztecs, great civilization they are! Well I teamed up with the Spanish teacher Mr. Gonzales to go to a 3 week vacation in Mexico!"

Some people cheered and some groaned "Relax, it won't be until next Sunday so it's a whole a week from now, I will need everyone's passports and know if your parents will pay extra for 1st class flying"

I heard Harry say my name covering it by coughs. His friends high-fives him as Eleanor flipped him off, Eleanor said the cool thing was that this teacher approved of all this.

"Shut up Harry," Ms. Hill said "And as I was saying two people will share a room, the person your sitting next to will be your hotel room partner unless you're sitting next to a boy in which case stand up"

While the teacher handled those kids Eleanor turned to face me "Guess we're hotel room partners" she smiled.

"If my mum even let's me go, she's so over protective"

"Relax, tell her it's a grade she won't be able to appose"

"This will be worth a grade!" the teacher said well at least I don't have to fear that, that will be a lie "Well, with that said I will be needing an idea of who would help me organize the places"


"So what you doing after school?" Eleanor asked as she watched me put books in my locker for 6th period, I didn't have her there but I had Harry, lucky me - sarcasm intended - I just shrugged at her.

"Oh! Actually I'm trying out for track" I said, I loved running and well I was pretty decent at it.

"You should be joining cheerleading with me" Rosie interrupted.

"No thanks, cheerleading bores me- no offense and all but yeah and I've been in track since 8th grade" I said.

"Well, alright I was going to invite you to hang out with me, Louis, Niall, Zayn and Harry"

"I would've said no because of Harry and who's Niall and Zayn?" I asked.

"Niall's the blonde one always at Harry's side and Zayn is the black haired guy that is also always at Harry's side" Eleanor said.

"Why would she hang out with you guy after they were so rude to her?" Rosie asked.

Eleanor was about to respond but I just got in the middle. "Thanks for the invite though, but I'll be spending my time in the track" I smiled.

"Fine, but we still have a talk instate" Rosie said sternly as she left.

God, how do I manage to hang with Rosie and Eleanor when they hate each other?

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