Chapter 17

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First off sorry if the story is a bit slow right now I promise it'll be speeding up rather soon , I just think books are better when they have a slow start so towards the end they get more interesting.

Lastly thanks for 600 or so reads it means a lot and probably doesn't to some hit writers on Wattpad but to me it does and a lot.

-Jocelyn <3


Olivia's POV:

I moved food around in my plate, mum insisted that I eat something given my supposedly "sickness" I had.

My throat felt swelled up as I still contained to sniffle.

I noticed my mum take a peep at me "Everything alright?" she asked , I didn't want to admit to what I did , it was foolish and immature of me to do drugs and I'm lucky I didn't face any health consequences.

"Yeah , well just still feel a bit worn out" I mumbled as I finally gave up on my food and pushed the plate away just drinking the glass of milk.

"You seem fine" mum said still eyeing me rather awkwardly.

"Maybe it's just that I need some more rest" I suggested.

"Before you go , this came in the mail , it's a reminder of the trip to Mexico next weekend" I froze , I wasn't sure how I was going to go , non of my friends from Rosie's group are in that class , my only real friend there was Eleanor and if she doesn't forgive me I might as well not go an F beats being there like a loner for 3 whole weeks!

"I don't know if it's convenient of me to go , I mean I'm just starting school and going would really hold me back" I said , of coarse our teachers were giving us the homework and assignments for the whole 3 weeks but my mum doesn't need to know that plus it's a decent excuse.

"But it says that if you don't go they'll give you an F , this is a major class and it says this counts for half you final grade so you're going" I didn't have energy to whine , all I could seem to do was silently protest while nodding.

"Now , hand me the permission slip and then you are free to go to bed" I slowly trudged to the counter where the permission slip once and shifted on my feet waiting for her to finish signing/reading the slip.

"Here you go" she smiled , something about this made me unsure , something about going was giving me the creeps.


I didn't have energy to get ready for school , I couldn't get up by the thought that Eleanor is somewhere mad at me for something so immature that I did!

I didn't want to do much so I simply just shimmed some Holister jeans and then put a black hoodie over my tank top and then slipped my moccasins.

I straightened my hair and then applied mascara and quickly walked to the kitchen.

Luckily mum started work early and nobody could push me to eat.

Max insisted that I eat but like I said he wasn't my mum so he couldn't make me.

I just stubbornly walked to school hoping that Eleanor will forgive me.

"Still in a bitchy mood?" Harry asked with a smirk.

"No" I said bluntly.

"You know this isn't a funeral right?" He smirked back.

I was too exhausted to play these games with Harry so all I did was give him an eye roll and then whip my phone out.

"C'mon, no bitchy remark? Newbie" he teased.

"Stop calling me that!"

"There it is, those bitchy remarks that I hate" he smirked making me push him out of my way.

As I entered I quickly caught gaze of Eleanor and approached her.

"Thank goodness I found you, we need to talk El" I said giving her a smile.

"No we don't, I think enough happened yesterday so that I could realize that you are nothing of what I thought you were" Eleanor said coldly.

"No, okay I'm still the same Olivia, sure I made dumb mistakes last night but after all I'm the same please forgive me"

I saw as Eleanor thought for a bit "Let's see, you told me I wasn't your friend because I tried to protect you from drugs" she took a long pause "I'm sticking with no"

"Well I'm not leaving today until you finally forgive me" I said.

"Well then I guess you're moving in" she smirked as she walked to our first period.

I sat with Rosie today and when I glanced at Eleanor I saw her sitting next to Louis.

Harry was with Niall today, and I looked as Zayn sat by a guy I had only seen from a far, he was truly one of them, by the way he stands if I didn't know any better I'd think he was the leader not Harry.

I wrote a quick letter to Eleanor.

Please just forgive me, you're one of my best friends -Olivia

I crumbled the piece of paper and threw it across the room luckily it didn't get seen by the teacher.

I waited and I saw her un-crumble the piece of paper and just push it aside to pay attention to the teacher again.

A couple minutes later the piece of paper landed back on my desk.


I sighed, I'm not giving up this easily, I was pondering whether or not to send her a text, she clearly should have it on silent but I'm not 100% on it.

I decided to go for it.

To: Eleanor /.^

*Please, Please forgive me*

A moment later a ringtone sounded in the class making the teacher take her vision from the board and to the class.

I prayed and prayed that it wasn't Eleanor's, having her phone taken away wouldn't help this situation at all.

I slouched in my seat as the teacher held her hand out for Eleanor's phone.

"2nd time miss Eleanor, I memorized your ringtone" she said as she yanked it away and brutally dump it in her drawer.

I turned to Eleanor and mouthed an 'I am so sorry!' but she only responded with a glare and an eye roll.

I slumped in my chair and Rosie tapped my shoulder.

"Nice job" she winked.

"I wasn't trying to get her in trouble" I whispered back.

"Right, okay I believe you" she had a joking tone behind her words that told me otherwise.

I stared at my shoes while I listened to the teacher ramble on about William Shakespeare, she wasn't saying anything I didn't already know.

The teacher cleared her throat "Miss. Summers I can see your shoes are very thrilling but I would love a little attention from you" she said as she interrupted her reading from the poem A Summer's Day.

I heard a deep chuckled from the back of the room, Harry.

I turned and mad dogged him as I just popped my knuckles while listening to the teacher's rambling, not that I hate classes, I just hate when they repeat something I already know, it seems useless in my point of view honestly.

One thing spread through my thoughts all class.

I need Eleanor to forgive, at all costs.


Realized I've been making too short chapters figured putting some more details on emotions or anything else would lengthen the chapters a bit more to not make my chapters ultimately useless.

Well I love you guys very much and hope this is good.


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