029, cerise loves pork chops!

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THE GREAT HALL HAD BEEN decorated beautifully, and Cerise was mesmerised as everyone ( but the champions and their dates ) piled into the hall

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THE GREAT HALL HAD BEEN decorated beautifully, and Cerise was mesmerised as everyone ( but the champions and their dates ) piled into the hall. The walls of the hall had all been covered in sparkling silver frost, with hundreds of mistletoe and ivy crossing the starry black ceiling. The House tables had vanished; Now, there were about a hundred smaller, lantern-lit ones, each seating about a dozen people. At the top of the hall, there was a large round table, where the judges were sat.

Loralei rushed up to Cerise excitedly, "Look at this place," she said quietly, "I think the school should consider keeping the hall decorated this way; It is beautiful."

"I know," Cerise said, her eyes shining in the lantern light. "I am so glad I came now, I would've hated to miss this."

Fred and George watched the two girls talk to each other excitedly. George glanced at Fred, a knowing look on his face. "Are you down bad, Freddie?"

"Yeah," Fred muttered quietly, unable to take his eyes off Loralei.

George placed a hand on his twin brother's shoulder, "Me too," he replied, staring at Cerise with nothing but adoration in his eyes.

Lee and Elijah glanced at each other and then back at the twins, "You guys look like creeps," Lee said, making them snap their heads in his direction.

"They're in love," Elijah stated, rolling his eyes at Lee. "Leave them alone."

"Tha —"

"I'm in love, but you don't see me staring like some creep," Lee commented, not realising what he was saying until it was too late.

"What?" Elijah said, eyes wide.

"What?" Lee repeated, shrugging to himself. Thankfully, the sound of everyone clapping made everyone lose interest in their topic of conversation as they all joined in.

Cerise and Loralei watched the champions walk past. When Hermione walked past, she gave the two girls a nervous wave, which Cerise and Loralei both gave her a big thumbs up to try and ease her nerves.

"Doesn't she look stunning," Cerise commented, "I feel like a proud Mum — She's growing up."

"Girl," Loralei said, "Don't even —"

She didn't get to finish her sentence as Fred and George pulled both of the girls to sit down at a table. Lee and Elijah were already sat and staring at the menus.

Cerise was sat in between Fred and George, and she stared at the menu with wide eyes. "Loralei, what are you fancying? Never mind, I know what I want."

"Pork chops?" Loralei guessed, making pork chops appear on her plate. "Ugh, I didn't want these! Cerise, want them?"

"Obviously," Cerise grinned, reaching over to put them on her plate. Immediately, she began scoffing them down.

"Cer!" Loralei exclaimed, "Careful of your makeup, I spent ages trying to do it."

"One, I'm hungry, leave me alone," Cerise said, "Two, magic is a thing? Just bippity-boppity-boo the makeup."

Loralei groaned, "Just eat your food."

"I'm trying," Cerise said, narrowing her eyes at Loralei, "But you keep talking to me so I can't."

Fred and George exchanged a glance, both wondering the same thing. What the fuck have they gotten themselves into by falling for two best friends? More specifically, What the fuck have they gotten themselves into by falling for Cerise Aurelia Diggory, and Loralei Nova Hollow?

THE FOOD WAS DELICIOUS AND Cerise ate as much as she could. Thankfully, she didn't ruin her makeup and she ate the food the way she wanted to. Dumbledore stood up and asked the students to do the same. Then, with a wave of his wand, all the tables zoomed back along the walls leaving the floor clear, and then he conjured a raised platform into existence along the right wall. A set of drums, several guitars, a lute, a cello, and some bagpipes were set upon it.

The Weird Sisters now trooped up onto the stage to wildly enthusiastic applause; they were all extremely hairy and dressed in black robes that had been artfully ripped and torn. Cerise watched as they picked up their instruments, a look of joy across her face.

"Psst, Fred," she whispered, stepping away from their friends.

Fred sighed but gave the girl a small smile. "Me first," he said, downing a bottle of Firewhiskey. Then, he handed it to Cerise who done the same thing.

Cerise grinned as she watched the champions start off the dancing, before Fred stuffed the Firewhiskey into his waistband, and the duo returned to the others. "It's funny how this time a couple of years ago, we were dancing in the Great Hall and Lee was taking pictures." Cerise commented, "Now, we're going to be doing the same thing, except Lee finally has a dance partner."

"The best dance partner," Lee said, reaching for Elijah's hand and leading him to the dance floor. Despite feeling nervous, Elijah couldn't help but let a smile appear on his face. Cerise was right, the only person's that mattered to him in that moment, was Lee Jordan.

George and Cerise watched Fred and Loralei join them on the dance floor, but they didn't want to dance just yet. They were enjoying being in each other's company, and that was enough for now.

"You really do look beautiful," George said, admiring the girl in front of him. "You're the prettiest one in here — And I think Angelina agrees, look behind you."

As Cerise turned around, she saw Angelina glaring in their direction, and she snorted. "Jealousy isn't a good look on her," She commented. "It's a good look on me, though."

"Everything's a good look on you."

Cerise looked up at George, her eyebrows raising, "Oh, really?" She said, smirking up at him. He blushed.

"Cerise, you look amazing."

Cerise turned around and her eyes widened as a bright smile spread across her face. "Mum?" She said, "What are you doing here?"

Josephine pulled her into a tight hug. "I had to nag him to let me come." She muttered, "By him, I mean your father. Dumbledore was more than happy for me to attend the Yule Ball as my son is a champion, but I didn't want to come for him. I wanted to come for you. I missed you."

"I missed you too," Cerise smiled, pulling out of the hug. "So, George is my date —"

"Are you two finally together?"

"I wish," George muttered quietly, but both Diggory's heard it.

"No, Mum," Cerise rolled her eyes, "He's just my date to the ball."

Josephine gave Cerise a knowing look, "Okay," she said, "Well, I won't keep you any longer. I need to go find your brother anyway. George, you look handsome. Now, go get yourselves on the dance floor with the others."

As Josephine walked away, Cerise and George exchanged a glance. "Do you want to dance?" George asked, holding out his hand for Cerise to take.

Cerise grabbed his hand and grinned, "Of course I do."

A/N: PROGRESS GUYS IT'S PROGRESS! Lee and Elijah are so in love ughhh, also Fred and Loralei, and also George and Cerise, ughhh they're all perfect together. Also, I am supposed to be catching up on school work that I missed due to my school's production rehearsals and the actual show, but I'm updating instead because this fic and you amazing readers deserve updates!

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