030, nobody needs boys!

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AS THEY WERE ALL ON the dance floor, Cerise found her eyes wandering over to Hermione who looked like she was on the verge of a breakdown as she spoke with Ron

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AS THEY WERE ALL ON the dance floor, Cerise found her eyes wandering over to Hermione who looked like she was on the verge of a breakdown as she spoke with Ron. George turned around, took a glance at what Cerise was watching and gave her a small smile.

"Go check on her," he said, "She looks like she needs someone right now."

Cerise gave George a smile, "You don't mind?" She said, before looking back at Hermione who seemed to be walking away from the boys.

"Of course I don't," he said, "You might want to go quickly, she's walking away."

Cerise gave George a final smile and rushed off towards Hermione. Hermione was sat on the steps outside the Great Hall, a few tears escaping her eyes. "Hey," Cerise said, taking a seat next to her and placing an arm around her shoulder. "What's going on?"

"Ron's just being. . ."

"Himself?" Cerise guessed. Hermione nodded. "Is it because you've come to the ball with Krum, the supposed to be enemy?"

Hermione nodded, again.

"Of course that was the reason," Cerise muttered. "If there's anything I've learned in my seventeen years of living, it's that jealousy can make people mean. . . It can make them say and do hurtful things."

Hermione looked at Cerise, her face showing nothing but confusion. "Ron was jealous?" She asked in a quiet voice.

"I don't know for sure," Cerise said, "But the way he's been glaring at you and Krum — It's the same way Angelina's been staring at me and George. It's jealousy."

Hermione snorted, "Of course it is!" She exclaimed, "Why didn't I get it in the first place? I feel so stupid."

Cerise gave Hermione a look. 

"He wanted to be Viktor's date," Hermione said, "It makes a lot of sense. He has an action figure of him in his dorm, too. He's obsessed with him."

Cerise blinked at Hermione. "Uh, I don't think —"

"And what are you two doing?" came the annoying sound of Snape's dull voice.

Cerise groaned. "Oh, piss off, you greasy twat." She said, "We're in the middle of a conversation, can't you see?"

Snape narrowed his eyes. "Ten points from Hufflepuff," he said, "And I will make it more if you don't get back into the Hall."

Cerise mocked him, before standing up. "Come on, 'Mione!" She smiled, "You're going to come dance with me for now. Fuck boys, who needs them?"

As they entered the ball, Cerise was quick to stop in her steps. "Oh, you have got to be fucking kidding me," she said, seeing Angelina try to have a conversation with George, who was looking around for an escape. "Come on, 'Mione, we have a conversation to interrupt."

They snuck behind Angelina and George. "How's the forehead looking, Angelina?" Cerise commented, making the girl's head shoot in her direction. George snickered but covered it up with a cough. "Ooh, that's still — I know a few desizing spells if —"

Angelina stormed off. Hermione watched her walk off with wide eyes. "Cerise!" Hermione exclaimed, "That probably hurt her feelings."

Cerise looked at Hermione, "Hermione, you know me well enough by now — Do you really think I care if I hurt her feelings?"

"No," Hermione replied. "Or anyone else's, other than your friends."

"Exactly," Cerise grinned, "George, Hermione's going to be dancing with us for now until Krum finds her again."

"Okay," George smiled, grabbing both of their hands and leading them towards the others. Lee sent the trio a grin.

Soon later, Krum appeared and stole Hermione away from them ( which Cerise kept complaining about to George, who was just laughing at her ).

"Picture time!" Loralei exclaimed, pulling Cerise and Elijah in the direction of Josephine. "We need to take so many! Hey, Mrs. Diggory —"


"Josephine, can you take a bunch of pictures for us, please?" She asked, handing Josephine her camera.

Josephine pulled out her own camera. "I've been doing that already," she said, before gesturing for the six of them to stand close together. Josephine took a few different pictures of them all together, before taking a few of them in partners ( they all had at least three pictures with each other ), before she called Cedric and Cho over. "I want just one of you all with Cedric and Cho, and then one of the girls with Cho, and one of Cerise with Cedric. You may not be friends now, but you will be friends again, and these memories will be something to look back on."

Cerise groaned as she got forced next to Cho with Loralei on the other side of her. Forcing a smile onto her face, she stared at the camera. Once Josephine took the photo, Cerise pulled Cedric to stand in between herself and Cho.

And then, she had a picture with just Cedric, ( which she didn't know then, but she will be looking back at the photo this time next year, wishing things had been different ).

Once the pictures had been taken, Josephine handed the camera to Loralei. "You and your spawns?" Loralei guessed, making Josephine laugh and nod. Once Loralei took that photo, Josephine called McGonagall over so she could take a photo with all of the kids.

Josephine stood in the middle of her children, who had their dates next to them. Loralei sat in front of Josephine, with Fred in front of Cerise. Lee and Elijah sat on either side of Loralei and Fred, all of them smiling brightly.

Once everyone else went back to the dance floor, Cedric grabbed Cerise's hand to stop her from walking. Cerise knew the look on his face and gave his hand a reassuring squeeze.

Josephine looked at Cedric, Cho and Cerise with a confused smile. "What's going on?" She asked. She looked straight at Cedric, and her eyes watered. "Don't tell me —"

"Cho's pregnant," Cedric blurted. "And she's keeping the baby."

"Oh, Merlin," Josephine said, pulling Cho and Cedric into a hug, and then reaching over to grab Cerise's hand. "Have you both thought through it properly?"

"Yes," Cedric nodded, shooting a worried glance at Cho, who had tears streaming down her face.

"I'm gonna be a nanna," Josephine whispered, "Oh, Merlin! Come here, sweetheart." She pulled Cho into her arms.

Loralei watched the interaction from the dance floor, before turning to Lee, Elijah, Fred and George, who all looked confused. "Guys," she said, "I've come to the conclusion — Cedric and Cho are either engaged, or Cho's pregnant."

A/N: The Yule Ball isn't as juicy as you thought it'd be. . . Unlesssss, well there is still one more tiny bit left from the Yule Ball so maybe there's drama? Who knows!

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