~Chapter Twenty Four~ Vanessa's POV

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"We are in Carolina" Austin says while looking up at me I froze in my spot I could feel my eyes growing with terror I started to get flashbacks of when I got abused by my ex Steven all the times he's thrown me against the wall, beating me until I was unconscious what if he finds me? Im so dead "Are you okay?" Austin says while snapping me out of my thoughts "Yeah yeah Im good" I lied trying to act calm "You sure you look terrified" he says concerned "I Im fine really" I stuttered "Okay if your sure" he says but I knew he didn't believe me we walked in silence till we approached the buses "I'll see you later Vanny" Austin says looking over at me "Okay later bro text me" I say with a smile he nodded and walked off, I ran into the bus and shut the door behind me letting out a huge sigh pushing back all the horrible thoughts of earlier and looked around the bus it was empty the guys must be at there set I checked my phone for the time it was already 1:00 pm time was going by fast today I walked over to the fridge and got a soda when I heard a knock on the door that startled me I walked over and opened it to see Tyler " Hey Austin said you'd be in here may I come in?" He asks looking up at me "Yeah come in" I say he walked in and I shut the door behind him "So how you doing beautiful" he asks while kissing me on the cheek "Oh pretty good how about you" I say casually "Good I thought Id take my girl out to another dinner date tonight" he says while putting his arms around me but I pulled away, I had to let him know how I felt it was really bugging me "Uh actually can we talk about us" I say shyly "Yeah is everything okay?" He asks concerned then I remembered what Austin said earlier to be completely honest "Yeah just I think me and you should be just friends your really sweet and Im really sorry" I say looking down hoping he would understand "Did I do something wrong I thought you liked me " he says with a sorrowful look "Tyler you didn't do anything wrong your an amazing guy I just don't feel the same" I say shyly still looking in his eyes which I could tell he was dissapointed "I get it I guess I better leave" he says heading for the door "Wait can we still be friends?" I ask while stepping closer to him "Yeah just give me time" he says sadly "Time for what?" I ask curiously "To get over you" he said in a low voice then he turned on his heels and left before I could say anything else I stood there frozen I felt horrible I wished things would have ended differently I walked over to the couch and sat down while resting my face in my hands I let out a huge sigh and tryed to collect my thoughts thats when I decided to do what I do best when I have a lot on my mind I walked to where we eat and looked for something to cook I settled on making chicken and fries I got all the things I needed and began to cook when everything was done I checked my phone it was already 4:00pm and the guys had just got back from there set "Oh something smells delicious!" Jack says as soon as he came in they all came in and looked and grabbed a plate "Yeah I made a bunch of chicken and fries I hope your all hungry" I say with a little smile they all nodded and began filling there plates "This is amazing" Gabe says with a mouthful they all stuffed their face so I decided to join I made me a plate and ate in silence still thinking about what happened earlier when I finished my plate I put it in the sink with the others "That was really good thank you" Kellin says with a smile I earned a thank you from the rest of the guys "Your welcome guys" I say while cleaning up the dishes Kellin helped me put them away as the others went to watch tv and take showers "You okay you seem a little down" Kellin says while looking at me "Uh yeah what makes you think Im down" I ask curiously "You just looked like you had something on your mind" he says while putting away the last dish "Tyler came by earlier" I say not even realizing I said it Kellins eyebrow raised in concern "What happened?" He asked "I told him how I felt and he didn't take it to well" I say I could feel my voice cracking remembering the hurt look in Tyler's eyes before he left but I managed to keep it together with a smile "Im sorry Vanessa it'll be okay just give him time to think he'll come around" he says which made me feel a little better I took a step closer to him and gave him a hug burying my face in his chest and taking in his scent which gave me chills then I felt his arms wrapping around me embracing me in a tight hug "Whats this for?" He asks with a little laugh "I just needed a hug and thanks you always know the right thing to say" I admitted while pulling away from him "I'll always be here for you don't ever forget that" he said I nodded feeling my cheeks heat up hoping he wouldn't notice me blushing he turned and joined the guys on the couch.

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