Chapter 1

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Your highness, that's not how a proper lady should eat her food" Alice said. I rolled my eyes as I kept eating. Alice is my lady-in-waiting; she has always been very strict with me. It's like living in a prison yet I'm a princess being watched like if I was some animal. My study was really unique per se: it had stars on the top of the ceiling along with some deep shade of blue surrounding it. There was a book case of many of my favorite books and some drawings that my closest friends have given me.

I must admit being watched gets very tiring easily. Not everyone has the set of expectations that I have, but my brother has always said 'Aurora, you're the fate of these people' .

Fate? I never understood what he meant about that. It's not like the entire kingdom is going to fall anytime soon, we've always had a strong foundation.. I look out my window as the moon was shining towards the lake. It was 12 in the morning as everyone was waking up to start their day. Many people from the mortal realm are terrified of us due to the simple fact that we're vampires: These human believe that we're just blood-sucking murderous monsters, but can you blame them?

"Alice, have you ever wondered how the human realm is?" I asked while I plopped another grape in my mouth. Her face scowled at me as if I just asked her to sin for me.

"Your highness, you know it's forbidden for us vampires to even consider thinking about the human realm.. especially going there" In a voice so cold that sent shivers down my spine.

Why are we forbidden to go to the human realm? Are we seriously going to die while exploring? Are we not trained to disguise in case of anything? I furred my brows in annoyance about her response. Regardless if she's my lady-in-waiting, she shouldn't be speaking to me as if I'm a child.

"Alice, I asked a simple question out of pure curiosity. No need for your rude remark" I snarled.

She didn't seem faced by what I said and kept smacking the back of my hand with a ruler until I started to eat like a lady. I really wish I could just blast her away, but my mother, the queen, and my father, the king, said that Alice was the best person for the job to educate me.

While she kept hitting and scolding at me for acting improper, a small knock on the door withdrew her attention from me. The door slowly opened as I saw my younger cousin, Percy. He had black hair with neon green highlights along with his green eyes. He leaned against the door frame, smirking at Alice.

"Alice, I'm sure you're aware that it's against the law to place your hand on royalty" he said with a dark grin.

Alice slowly gave him a grin and threw her hands up as if she herself was innocent. She gave me a small glare telling me to keep my mouth shut; I wanted to wipe that grin off her mouth,  but my powers haven't fully developed yet, taking advantage of me.

"Prince Percy, what a wonderful surprise! I never thought you would come visit!" She said gleefully.

Percy walked towards her and grabbed her wrist. He wasn't the type of individual that tolerate any kind of violence towards his family, especially towards me.

While he grabbed her wrist tightly, she let out a small yelp as fear towered in her eyes. If there was anything that she hates, it was being held against her own will. Percy began to tighten his grip on her, a small command to let go of the ruler, but she kept her ground. That woman sure has steel of tungsten because if I were her, I would drop it and immediately apologize, and I'm not even a commoner.

"Your highness, you will let go of me this instant or I will report you to the king" she said with eyes full of rage. "Go ahead, report me, I will tell them how you've been treating my cousin.. Maybe they will have you executed" he said in a sly voice. Fear has finally set in her eyes and body as she realized the seriousness in his voice. For a 25 year old, she a definitely has a 40-year old mentality.

She finally let go of the ruler and looked at me with so much hate, but what can she do in front of a presence of another royal? I was going to continue to eat my grapes when the door slammed open. A breathless Ashley was standing at the doorway heaving for every once of air.

"Percy, Aurora, we're being called to the throne room.. It's urgent" she said while trying to catch her breath. Percy and I glanced at each other while he let go of Alice. Confusion was showing on his face: We were never requested for an audience before the Queen and King unless something occurred".  I shoved down my anxiety as I rose, walking towards the door without glancing back towards my cousins.

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