Chapter 31

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Finishing the healing dance, Ashley drifted to sleep while Caz caught her. Both looked at me, wondering what I had done to her. "I just healed her," I mumbled as I walked towards them and touched her forehead. They were confused about why I healed her and not her sword, but the truth was that a vampire sword is connected to one's body. It doesn't appear until they reach the right age.

Our swords are infused with our essence and personalized based on physical traits and personality. They are an extension of our being; when they shatter, some of us shatter with them. A completely shattered sword is irreplaceable and cannot be fixed.

Of course, we have a blacksmith to fix swords, but they only fix slightly damaged swords. If a sword is shattered, they have no way to fix it. Dozens have tried, but no one has achieved this except my ancestors. 

"When she wakes up, her sword will be completely intact," I said as I walked past them. Having to do that spell wholly drained me, which I wasn't expecting. You know, this was very interesting for a spell that my ancestors used. Per my memory, these kind of spells never drained them. Maybe they began to train at such a young age. 

After 2 hours, Ashely slowly began to wake up with Caz by her side. Erix and I were sitting across from each other reading, but he kept glancing at me occasionally. Of course, I was in a foul mood because while my ancestors were aware of their unique power, I wasn't aware of mine. Then again, my powers just awakened. 

She began to look around, confused about what had happened, until her gaze landed directly on me. "What happened?" she asked as she rubbed her temple. It didn't take long for her to walk towards me, forcing me to look at her. "Draw your katana out," I said quietly as I reverted to reading. 

I prayed that everything worked out well and that I didn't fuck her over. This was all new to me, and I had never experienced such power before. Ashley slowly began to stand up and chant her spell. She withdrew her Katana from her stomach and as I hoped, it was completely intact. There was no sign of damage shown. It was as if her Katana never broke in the first place. Her pastel pink eyes glowed with delight, swinging her katana around. Amazed by how fine it was. 

I gave a small smile while I sat down feeling relieved that everything worked out. That is until she began to swing her sword towards Caz. Adrenaline rushes through him as he immediately disarms her and pins her against the wall.

"I wouldn't point that sword towards me if I were you" he whispers. I stood up disgusted and walked out of his house. I don't want to witness them having sex in front of me not that they would but the tensions say otherwise. 

While walking towards a field of flowers, Erix catches up to me and grabs my hand. I looked at him before shifting my attention back to the flowers. These new powers of mine felt so foreign even though the king sealed them off. I needed to learn more about my ancestors, more about this immense power. 

"You did an amazing job," he said quietly as he grabbed a rose from the bush nearby placing it behind my ear. I looked at him before giving him a wary smile. How do I tell him that this power of mine has drained me completely? Emotionally, Physically, Mentally. No vampire experienced this kind of drainage when it came to their powers. 

The only thing I wanted to do was sleep, but I didn't want to be seen as vulnerable. We both stood in between the lawns in silence. Waiting for a response, he grabbed my chin. "Do you not think so?". I wasn't sure how to proceed or respond, but I slowly shook my head. "It drained me" I mumbled. 

His arms slowly slid to my waist and he pulled me closer. He pressed a small kiss on my forehead. "Let's go back to my residence... You can rest there while I go and investigate the Moon Kingdom". I couldn't understand what else was there to investigate when we were aware that my death was wanted, but I was too tired to ask or argue. He carried me and began to walk down the lawn while I slowly slept on his chest. No one has made me feel this secure and no one has taken the time to make sure that I was okay. 

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