Chapter 18

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I sat down quietly next to Erix after telling him that I wanted to get along. After 2 months living together, yes, we may have bickered from here and then, but there were times where he wasn't a cold fuck. I tried not to turn red over the thoughts of his body colliding towards mine and his sexy body when he took his shirt off revealing his abs. He sat there quietly before giving me with a soft smile.

"Do over?" He asked while extending his hand for me to shake. I looked at his veins popping out of his arms before shutting down any inappropriate thoughts that I was having about him. I shook his hand and before he let go then he cursed and crashed his lip into mine. He then pulled away before getting up and walking further down the cave. My face was red as I tried to process what just happened, that was my first kiss. I had my first kiss with the Mafia Lord.. I immediately stood up and began to run towards him, he's definitely going to hear me today. He kept running down further as I ran with all my might to catch him before I tripped and fell. I tried to stand back up, but pain shot through my foot and ankle that I covered my mouth to stop myself from screaming in pain.

Erix popped right next to me and grabbed my leg to examine my foot. From the look on his face, I could tell that I broke my foot, but I didn't have any healing powers, at least not yet. My powers were new to me so I wasn't sure what I had and what I didn't have. Usually vampires get their powers around age 12, but I got mine so young before they were sealed off.

"You broke your foot.. why don't you try to use your powers to heal yourself" he said as he kept looking at my foot. Come to think of it, I never asked what his main power is, but considering he's a Mafia Lord, he has to be very strong, right?

"You don't have the ability to heal?" I asked while he looked up and gave me a small smile. He used his magic to place bandages around my foot.

"I don't, but you do" he said as he held my hand. I looked at him confused and just shook my head. There's no way I could have healing abilities.

"Your highness, I know this isn't an appropriate time to ask, but can you use your powers to summon pants. He said as he covered his flushed face with his hand looking away. I looked down when I realized that I only had his shirt on, but I wasn't worried about pants since it was big enough to cover my entire my body. Only now, the shirt scrunched up and was showing my laced red undergarments.

My face turned red and I examined Erix's face and his muscled body. He was trying so hard not to look at me. Has the mafia lord fallen for me? A Princess? I wasn't going to lie that the man in front of me was showing a side that I've never seen. He was very toned, his tattoos coving his back and arms. His eyes began to glow out of embarrassment as I managed to get on my knees.

I ran my hands on his chest, tracing his tattoos with my fingers, slowly leading my fingers to his lip. As my eyes glowed pink, he looked at me nervously and looked away. I shifted my body and go on top of his lap, it didn't matter to me anymore. I wanted to know more about him. He went out of his way to take care of me and prevent me from getting married to Sylas even though I actually believed that Sylas was a good person.

"Princess" he said quietly as his breath became more shallow. He didn't place his hands on me, trying to resist whatever he was feeling, but I felt his groin trying to get out. I slowly rubbed my finger against his lip as his face became more flushed.


I kept teasing him as I leaned against his ear and slowly bit his earlobe as he shivered.

"I want to get to know you more since we're always interested in each other" I whispered.

My heart was beating so fast as I was anxious myself to what I was doing. I've never had intimacy with someone, but I was not planning to marry Sylas when he was going to murder me. I wanted to marry someone that has my heart and even though Erix and I kept our interactions minimal since I always had inappropriate thoughts. Erix may be a cold hearted person on the outside, but when it came to the people he cared, he was a complete sweetheart.

"You shouldn't do things you'll regret" he said trying hard not to admit how much he was enjoying this. I bit his earlobe once again and slowly started to make my way down his chest.

"Princess, don't do something you'll regret" he gritted his teeth, struggling to breathe.

I looked up at him and smiled shyly before I kissing him. It caught him completely off guard as he looked at me wide eyed.

"My lord, I must say that I fancy you, so no, I will not regret this" I said.

His eyes were full of lust and love before he grabs my waist and began to kiss me. His tongue begging for an entrance as I let him in. His hand began to go up my thighs before making his way straight to my breast.

"I fucking hate how weak you make me" he said while we were making out. He slowly bit my lip letting a loud groan causing me to feel a waterfall below me.

"Erix" I mumbled and he slowly carried me, stopping his kiss. He placed his head against mine before laughing a bit.

"Remember last month when you walked in on me changing? How your face was so red, you really enjoyed what you saw, huh?"

I turned red and smacked his chest. Last month, I needed some ingredients from the village to make some dessert, but I was too excited that I forgot to knock the door and walked in on Erix changing. His shocked eyes when he saw me as I turned red and ran out.

"S-shut up, where are we going anyway?" I asked trying to deviate from the embarrassing memory.  He was carrying me while walking further into the cave.

"We're heading to the Underworld, no one within Kuata is allowed in my territory"

"But I'm marked.. Sylas will.."

"Princess, I'm here to protect you"

"I know, but eventually you'll get bored of me.. who wants a marked woman"

Erix looked at me softly before placing me against the wall, running his hands on my bare skin.

"If you're worried about the mark, I can take care of that for you"


He licked my neck as I whimpered before he bite on my neck while my eyes glowed gold and I moan his name.


He then proceeded on the other side of my neck and bite down again, marking me.

"E-erix" I groaned trying so hard not to scream. He then looks at my flushed face before grinning.

"You're mine now, Princess. I'm gonna marry you"

I smiled before I marked him as well, claiming him.

"That makes you mine only too" I said before he warped us to the underworld

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