Chapter 34

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Everything was dark, no way for me to escape. I wasn't sure how long I was unconscious before I was in front of the Mafia lord's domain. I never saw him in person since he always remained within the underworld. He was only coming out when it came to collect his debt or to kill someone. Walking through the corridors, I noticed all the paintings covered in the wall. Each member's tattoos were on the wall, but there were also paintings of legacies.

My hand traced through one of the legends that I have heard several times throughout my life. Vampires are so powerful that they could rule the entire world or bring peace, but no one realizes the prophecy that has been passed down for generations—the prophecy of the Black Rose Queen.

The Black Rose Queen

Beware of the Queen whose power comes within roses.

Never break her trust, for she will make your life an eternal hell

The Princess with power more significant than any vampire in history

When the time comes

She chooses light or darkness

Coesis save us all if darkness is chosen

Beautiful Black Rose whose eyes shift colors

Welcome to this world

We've been waiting

for our Black Beautiful Rose

Future Queen of the Underworld

Royal Princess of the Moon Kingdom

Born with the name Aurora, the Beloved

Daughter of Evil beings: King Eden and Queen Audelia

Father and Mother of Future King Azra, the Savior

Black Rose, whose powers wield immense potency to kill every individual in sight

Black Rose, whose heart is gold

Black Rose, the conqueror

Black Rose, the savior of Kuata

I shook my head as I tried to forget everything I was taught. The King and Queen Audelia never  wanted a daughter. They only know half of the legacy passed down within years of history, but they weren't aware that it contained their names. No one within Kuata knows that there is a legacy containing the names of the current rulers of the Moon Kingdom and their children. It was only the legacy of a vampire whose eyes shifted color: They were the ones vampires were afraid of.

As I reached through the door, an Ash member bared his teeth before letting me in to see the Mafia Lord. The Mafia Lord was nowhere near as ugly as they made him seem. His red eyes and hair were as bright as blood. His cheekbones were so defined that he could pass as a royal. My eyes drifted to his collarbone, where the lining of his tattoos began. I never thought I would see such a thing in my lifetime.

His Lordship was sitting on his desk, his hair disheveled and part of his shirt unbuttoned. He took his glasses off and threw them against the wall before looking at me. His annoyance grew with my presence before he smirked and pointed at the chair ahead.

"Sit down, Prince Sylas; after all, the mere fact that you're here means that you must have something important to tell me," he hissed while I took the chair. I chewed the inside of my cheek while I looked at him. He did not wish to waste their time—not for one bit.

"Erix Wixx, Mafia Lord of the Underworld. I have just but one request for you." I said, placing my feet on his desk. He glared at me, wanting to kill me, but we both knew that he wouldn't cross that line.

"What?" he snarled, shoving my feet off my desk. Ashes have always been highly notorious for their cruelty, and the Mafia lord is exactly who I need.

"The Princess Aurora from the Moon Kingdom was kidnapped three months ago. She is my fiance, but I need you to find her and bring her back to me," I smiled while he stared at me blankly. No hint of emotion was showing while he raised his eyebrow, motioning me to continue speaking.

I stood up and shrugged while walking around his office. "Oh, how I miss my dear fiance, but I need her to satisfy my needs," I purred. He rolled his eyes while he leaned against his desk; he was not a patient thing, but it would do before he kills me.

"I murder people for a living. What the fuck does this has to do with me" he growled. I turned to him with a smirk and sat back down.

"Simple, Find her, do whatever you want with her, bring her back so that I can kill her," I said, smiling evilly as he looked at me bored. Of course, talking about murder to the lord of the underworld was just baby talk, but a Princess is involved.

"What did Princess Aurora do?" he asked, contemplating his decision.

"She's just a disgrace, and we need to rid her of anything," I said as I waved him off. He sighed as he looked out the window. Whatever he was thinking, it sure had to do with how to get away with the Royal Highness's murder.

"Anything?" he mumbled before looking at me, grinning.

"Anything," I confirmed.

"So you wouldn't mind if I get between her legs?" he asked snarkingly. The way his body language reacted with greed was all I needed to know that he was on my side. "As you please, My Lord," I said as I walked away from his office. Too bad the little princess has the mafia looking for her. My dearest Aurora, how sad will it be when you lose everything to me and your parents?

No one will save your Aurora, and I swear by the Gods that I will kill you

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