Chapter 10

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I walked back into the cabin as I place the shield around the cabin again. To the human eye, they can only see the woods. If they tried to go through, it will immediately erase their memories. I walked towards her room and I heard sad humming. I opened the door as I saw her only the floor trying to sew. Her soft voice filling the room while she tried to sew, but she didn't notice my presence. She began to sing a little soft song as I leaned against the doorframe.

Hush, my love for all is fine..

I will protect you till the end of time

My love for you is limitless

As I hope to see you again

With all we've been through in this world

My heart still beats for solely you

She kept singing until she turned around and she immediately panicked. I didn't smile as I looked at her, trying to comprehend why her presence was making me feel weird.

"You have a nice voice" I said as she tried to hide her face from embarrassment then she threw my pillows at me while I dodged getting near her.

"Don't you dare to get near me" she snarled as she began to back away from me. I didn't care if she was scared of me. I only came to deliver her clothes and that's it before I head to check on the situation in Vamp land.

"I'm only here to deliver your clothes, change, go clean the house" I said coldly as I threw the clothes on her bed. She glared at me with such hatred as she picked up the clothes from the bed waiting for me to leave. As I walked out the door, I stopped before turning back to her.

"Think before you run from me, Princess" I said before exiting her room. Her blue eyes shifted to grey as I closed the door behind me.


As I went to back to our realm, I saw Caz flirting with some chick before spotting me. He immediately said his farewells and went towards me hoping that I wasn't going to kick his ass for slacking off on the job.

"I have some updates" he said as my eyes glowed in annoyance. "You better spill before I kick your ass" I said as we walked towards our domain. "Sylas is trying hard not to panic since he can't sense her" he said, which was expected considering that it's illegal for Vamps to be at the mortal realm since they believed that immediately they would perish.

I was about to say something until he held his finger up telling me to shut up.

"I have something worse though, Princess Aurora's parents are relieved that the she's gone.. The reason why they did an arrange marriage with Sylas was because the Lumar Kingdom wanted to kill her since apparently, she's a threat" he said.

I tried my best to keep my composure as my blood chilled. They want to kill an innocent person, but not just any innocent person, but their own fucking daughter?

"Why?" I mustered the courage to ask while controlling my rage.

"The King and Queen only wanted one child, which is Prince Azra, but after 5 years, the Queen fell pregnant with Princess Aurora, and due to old laws that date back to when the kingdom first began.. it's illegal for a queen to abort.. As much as they resented the Princess, the Prince loved her so much that he would throw his life down the line. They want to get rid of their 'mistake' by marrying her off to the Lumar heir for as we both know, is a sadistic killer"

That's why they want to kill her? Because they were fucking stupid to not use a condom? Because her bastard of a father couldn't even fucking wrap his dick? They want to kill her because she was a 'mistake' and because she's a 'threat'? I thought I was tormenting them by taking their daughter away, but it turns out I was doing them a fucking favor? How can one's parents be so twisted? To even act that they care so much about her when in reality they don't give a single fuck.

There's no way in hell that I'm handing the Princess over now.

"We're not handing her over" I muttered in anger while Caz eyes widen.

"Erix, the Princess will not stay with us, she's going to try to escape"

But deep within, I knew that I couldn't send her back to that hell hole. They've been planning her assassination for ages. Not only did they want to kill her, they want her tortured and who better than Sylas?

"I don't care, she's going to fucking stay with us" I growled. If there was anything I hate more, it's taking the lives of innocent people. I'm not an amazing person because I have killed my fair share of people, but I would never kill an innocent individual. I wonder if Prince Azra is aware of this plan, but based on how much her highness, I doubt he does. Caz was observing me quietly before he began to speak.

"You never cared about our enemies? Whether they lived or not.. You never cared about their relatives dying or being against each other" he said as I glared at him. I knew what he was telling me was true that has always been the way I ran things, but for whatever reason, she made me feel a certain way that I could not describe. I looked at Caz and sighed.

"You know that the one thing I hate is innocent people being killed, of course, you and I come from the underworld- part of the mafia group- but I still can't send her back to get herself tortured and killed by whom she believes love her" I said as I looked at my member and signed him to get me a drink. Caz sat there silently for a few minutes, collecting his thoughts as he let what I said sink in. Ashes has never been involved with the Royal family.. They run their kingdom and we run ours.. it's hefty work being the most feared, but I will make sure that she doesn't get hurt whether she liked me or not. After 5 minutes of silence, Caz finally said something.

"I will gather more information and bring it to you" he said as he finished his drink and walked out. It was my cue to leave as well towards the Princess. I will protect her no matter what. I will kill them no matter what.

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