Chapter 17

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I managed to return back to my kingdom, wounded, but at least alive. My mind couldn't grasp that I entered Ashes territory unknowingly. I grit my teeth out of frustration and threw my bottle of wine against the wall as crimson red liquid ran down my black walls. How fucking dare Caz Monore to intervene within my bloody meal for tonight. How fucking dare he intervene with the search of my beautiful bride; it sucks that I haven't found her yet. She just has a limited time before I take her life away. Beautiful crimson red all over my walls and her body there as my decoration, oh how I long to have her body hanging there for me.

I entered my study as saw Alice waiting for me, tapping her foot impatiently before seeing me. She ran towards me examining the wound.

"What happened to you?!?" She screeched as tears began to well up her eyes. Her beautiful face filled with worried as I slowly lift her chin up and kissed her. This is the woman who I'm going to marry after killing Princess Aurora, her lady-in-waiting.

"I waltz into Ashes territory" I mumbled as her eyes widen even more and she ran to get a kit and made me sit down. She pouted angrily as she began to treat my wound.

"Honestly, how could you just waltz into Ashe's territory! We have to find the Princess and get rid of her already" she said angrily. This is what I loved about Alice, her ideals, her bloodlust, everything. Such a beautiful woman next to me and she was mine. I haven't marked her yet since I want to marry her before I make her my queen.

"I'm alright, my love" I said trying to calm her down, but she only weeped quietly


"Your Highness, you should head back to the cabin and stay there" I said quietly, trying not to let rage seep through me.  His face was grimmer than the underworld himself as he face me. I knew he was going to object but there's no way in hell I will let the crown prince get hurt in anyway, not under my watch.

"My sis-"
"I will find her Royal Highness, but you need to get the hell out of here now. You tell Caz that this 'when the wind is drawing near, you know the thorns are near' and you listen to him, do I make myself clear?"


"Now"  I snapped as he began to move, but he immediately stopped and face me one last time.

"Just fucking protect her, Erix. I leave her under your care, mafia lord" he said before he began to run towards the cabin. I shivered over my title before turning back and continue to look for her. It had been over 5 hours and none of us were able to find her prior Caz's injury. I kept walking down east, looking high and low as my body ached from moving all day with no rest until I heard a soft singing voice coming from a nearby stream. I ran towards that voice of honey until I saw long black hair with red laced lingerie, swimming in the stream. My heart was jumping out my chest as she stood up, her beautiful curves reflecting against the moonlight. She look happy, relaxed, free, but I couldn't take my eyes off her.

I wanted to touch her and put her against the tree, have her scream my name, begging me to slow down. I shook my head to get rid of those ludicrous thoughts until I heard her call my name.

"Erix?" She asked as my face and ears turned red. She ran towards me, forgetting her almost naked body as she hugged me. It caught me completely off guard as I looked away, flustered that this woman is making me excited. I felt her head tilt up as I heard her sigh in relief.

"I got so frustrated by everything going on that all of sudden I just woke up here.. I had no clue how to get back, so I just stated here in hopes any of you would find me" she quietly whispered as she buried her face on my chest. When the hell did she get so comfortable with me? I didn't place my hands on her as I kept my eyes shut, I don't think I could resist if I look at her right now.

"Erix? Are you okay?" She worriedly as she placed her hand on my forehead causing me to open my eyes and meet either hers. Her face looked so soft and her lips ready for me to bite, but I looked away and began to take my shirt off. She immediately pushed me away finally realizing that she was only with her undergarments, covering her body and closing her eyes.

"H-hey! Keep your clothes on" she shrieked. I didn't listen to her as I threw my shirt at her and looked away flustered.

"You're one to talk.. put my shirt on and let's go. Sylas was here" I said as she finally looked at me and she became flustered instantly. She immediately puts on my shirt and tries to walk past me as I grabbed her arm and placed her against the tree. I could feel her breath becoming shallow as I whispered in her ear.

"You shouldn't undress yourself in the woods, never know what's lurking, you're lucky that I found you" I said as I let go of her arm and began to walk. Aurora grabs my hand out of no whereas I turned towards her with a questioning look. Her eyes were pinkish then turned a slight red before smirking and pushed me to a nearby cave.

"What if I wanted you to see me like this?" She said seductively as I gulped and tried to back away. She snapped her fingers as a rock appeared to block our exit. My back was against the wall as my breath became shallow, she pressed her body against mine and whispered in my ear.

"Got ya" she said as she backed away laughing, leaving me in a blushing mess. This fucking girl made me too excited, now my groin is throbbing. She kept laughing as I looked away from her trying to calm my body down.

"That's not funny, your highness"
"It's payback for when you teased me when we first met"
"I thought you enjoyed it since your breath was so shallow"
"Shut up" she said as she sat down on the floor, patting the ground for me to sit next to her. I needed a minute to calm down before I sat next to her, but I didn't want to raise any suspicions so I sat next to her. She smiled at me warmly before speaking again.

"Since I'm staying with you and Caz, I thought we should get along even though we bicker a lot" she said quietly.

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