Chapter 8

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I woke up as I saw the sun shinning in a beautiful pastel pink room filled with books and roses. It was similar to my room, but more quiet, and more privacy. I looked towards the door waiting for either red eyes or purple eyes to come, but none were coming.

My stomach began to grumble and I looked at my now dirty and destroyed dress. It's most likely that they placed a spell around the place to alert them if I was trying to leave, and sadly, I didn't know my way around the mortal realm. I was stuck here whether I like it or not and I would have to gain their trust in order for me to manipulate them. I sighed as I raise out of the bed I was in and headed down stairs as quickly as I could.

They were keeping me hostage, so the least they could do is provide me with some source of energy. I saw a purple and red apron nearby and chuckled, as much as I hate them for kidnapping me, their tactics are adorable. I grabbed the purple apron and put it against my own body. "I'm gonna need to sew some new clothes" I whispered as I took a look in the fridge. There was only eggs, milk, and fruits. While slightly chewing on my lip, I went to go see if there was any flour at any of the cabinets, and to my relief, there was along with sugar and butter.

I grabbed all my ingredients and began making breakfast. Queen Audelia has never let me cook because she believed it was improper for a Princess to cook her own meals, but it was my comfort habit.

As I cracked my eggs to the bowl and began whisking it to my dry ingredients. I started to think about ways to gain their trust. They'll let me go if I gain their trust, right? Right? I tried convincing myself that I was going to go back.

A voice suddenly snapped out of my thoughts causing me to burn my hand. I immediately yanked my hand away in pain and placed it under cold water. Purple eyes walked towards me and grabbed my wrist examining my burn as he flipped the pancake.

"Shit, that's a pretty horrible burn" he said and he turned off the stove while looking for something. I stared as he was rummaging through the cabinets to look for something. Why is he acting so nice? Why pretend you care? Isn't it obvious that they're trying to bait you? I shook my head as purple eyes grabbed my wrist and began to treat my burn.

"shit.. Erix is going to kill me" he mumbled while cleaning up my burn. Erix? I've heard that name before, but where? I tried to jog my memory to figure out where I heard that name before when Erix appeared. He was wearing a black shirt with some pj pants as he looked at purple eyes and I.

"What happened to her, Caz?" He growled as he walked towards us and looked at my injury. Caz flinched as he slowly looked up giving a tiny smile. "Was I not clear?" Erix scowled as he examined my burn as well. "He was just helping.. I burned myself while cooking" I mumbled while they were bickering. They stopped and looked at me and looked at the breakfast I made. Erix's eyebrows raised up as he sat next to Caz.

"Why were you cooking?" Erix asked while Caz still finished up with my bandages. I didn't dare to make eye contact with them as they were waiting for my response. It's obvious that a Princess shouldn't be doing any labor work, but I enjoy cooking. Although my mother called me a disgrace for being in the kitchen, I didn't care because it always gave me a sense of peace.

"I'm hungry"

With that they grabbed a plate and gave me some of the pancakes I made with syrup. They both each grabbed a plate and placed some pancakes on their plates as we sat on the table with an uncomfortable silence. I kept looking at Erix trying to figure out where I've heard his name before, but nothing was coming up. Caz took a bite and his eyes lit up as her turned to talk to me with a mouthful.

"This is really good! I never knew Princesses are even allowed to the kitchen" he said as Erix smacked his arm to prevent him from making a mess. Caz sat back down and cleared his throat.

"Why do you know how to cook?" He asked curiously as he tilted his head. Giving him too much information about me would kill me, but not saying anything will also kill me.

"A small hobby" I mustered to say as I kept eating

"Hobby? The Queen allowed that?" Erix asked as he cut a small slice of the pancake before placing it on his mouth.

"The King and Queen never allowed such thing: Improper was all they told me"

"You learned behind their backs?"

I simply nodded and kept eating since they were asking me so many questions about me, I should ask them about them.

"Who are you?" Was all I mustered to say and nerves got the best of me. Their eyes glowed as they eerily smiled at me.

"Oh, Forgive us your Highness for not introducing ourselves: My name is Erix Wixx, Mafia Lord of Ashes, and this is Caz Monroe one of my members"

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