Chapter 4

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A shiver went down my spine as he took a step back and bowed a bit before walking away. My heart was thumping that I believed I was having a stroke.

Azra looked at me apologetically and took a seat next to me. His hazel eyes glued to the floor as he began to drink out of his wine.

"Has fath-"
"I'm aware"

We both stayed quiet as Percy was giving us the side eye. He crouched down to meet Azra's eyes as he took the wine out of his hand.

"You've been drinking too much, Prince Azra" he murmured as place the cup on the table. Percy glanced back to look at Alice and Sylas, whom they were both laughing and acting flirtatious. His green eyes beaming with rage as Sylas turned around to look at us with a small nod.

"I don't like him... there's something off about him" he said as Azra looked at him with wary eyes. It was obvious that my brother shared the same sentiment as our cousin, but he wouldn't tell me. He stood up defeated as he turned towards me extending his hand.

"My dear sister, may I have the honor to dance with you?" He asked as everyone in the room turn towards us, getting extremely excited anticipating my response. A warm feeling spread throughout my body as I accepted his dance proposal. Everyone cheered as he led me to the dance floor. It's been a while since I last danced with my older brother, I didn't realize how much I missed him until now. Everyone was forming a circle around us as we dance around, my brother's crown was a custom made to match his eyes. While he spun me around, Sylas was looking at me with soft eyes, but I couldn't grasp what was going on until I heard a lot thud.

My body slammed on to the ground as my Azra's body was hovering over mine, protecting me. Screams of horror was all that was ringing through my ears as I looked at Azra in horror. "Az-" "Shut up and listen" a command so brutal that immediately welled up tears. "Aurora, you need to run, Don't look back, I will stay back and hold them off" he said in a eerie calm - determined to take out the threat. "Az.. I can't leave y-" "Go! NOW! DON'T LOOK BACK" he yelled me as I began to ran exactly as he commanded. My dress was too heavy for me to run as I heard the swords colliding with each other. I turned down the hall as someone grabbed my arm and pulled me, the fear consuming all my body as I immediately use my forearm to draw out my sword. "Let go" I snarled as I turned facing the individual who grabbed me.

"Princess, it's me Sylas" his voice so deep that I almost melted right through the floor. I lowered my sword as he immediately pressed his body against mine towards the wall while listening for the intruders. Our breaths were slowly matching and our hearts beating simultaneously. His body kept pressing even further against mine trying to conceal me from whoever was rustling through the halls.
"Find the Princess and Kill her" A male voice said as he kicked down every door. "Why don't we just kidnap her? I'm sure they would pay for a hefty ransom for her" Another one said. They both kept breaking everything on sight as Sylas tried to protect me.

"The point of killing the Princess is to warn the entire kingdom that we will take over and make them our slaves"
"But we can just make her our slave, think about it, wouldn't that give a much more powerful message?"

Everything started to spin as I was hearing what they were saying. My mind couldn't grasp the exchange that these two bastards were having. Tears began to stream down my face as I looked at Sylas whose eyes were filled with devastation. He leaned down towards me and whispered a silent command. "Go down the Twilight tower and escape, I will come for you afterwards" I nodded and was about to leave until he pressed his body more to me. His head dipped lower on to my neck and he took a small bite. His fangs were gentle as they pierced through my skin as I tried not to let out a scream. "Go, I marked you, so I will find you"

I began to speed down the hall as quietly as I could while I heard Sylas fighting the intruders off. My brother was still in the ball room fighting along with Percy and the other royal guards. I kept running while my sword on my hands until I reached the Twilight Tower. While entering the tower, something hit my head and a foul oder was filling over the room. Everything became a blur then completely black.

"Aurora Solace, you should've stayed put before running from me"

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