Chapter 32

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"Y-your H-highness... We tried everything... We even went to the mortal realm to locate the girl, but she's nowhere to be found," Derrick stammered nervously. These incompetent guards can't do jackshit; For the past 3 months, none of these idiots have been able to locate the Princess. Do these fools not understand how imperative it is that we have Her Royal Highness?

I rolled my eyes and stepped down from my throne approaching these incompetent idiots. Their eyes widened with fear as they began to back away from me. One thing that my royal guards know is never to cross me. Please don't worry about defying me. Never disobey me. If they couldn't have found her, then they shouldn't have returned.

"P-please, Your Highness" He begged as he tried to get away. In all seriousness, I don't have time for weaklings. They have no place here within my kingdom. I gave him a small smile before I incinerated him. His screams and wales were bouncing around as he ran trying to get rid of the flame. I grinned wickedly as the others watched in horror; his screams died down as his body went limp. No one could make the flames go away until I was satisfied. Now everything that remained of Derrick were his ashes and nothing else.

I turned toward all my guards cleared my throat and smiled. " Let this be a reminder about disobeying me. When I give an order, I expect you to complete it and if you don't, well you will end up like him. Don't you ever dare to return if you haven't completed your task," I hissed as they all looked down.

I walked away before giving them the signal of dismissal. They knew exactly what they were getting themselves into the moment they decided to work for this Kingdom, and if they couldn't handle it, they shouldn't have been here in the first place.

As I walked down the hall, I bumped into the love of my life, Alice. I caught her before she fell. She looked at me with such a gaze that made my heart beat out of control. "Hello, my love," I said as I kissed her forehead. She smiles and wraps her arms around my neck as I lift her. "Hello, darling," she said, kissing my cheek and burying her face in my neck. "Any updates on the Princess?" I asked as I took her to my room.

Her brows furrowed in frustration as she shakes her head. No one has been able to sense where this bitch has hidden. Of course, I marked her so she belongs to me, but I only need her to satisfy my desire to kill. I always wanted to kill someone with her lineage, such power, such divine, and with her powers being sealed shut. There's no way Princess Aurora can defend herself now, but no one knows where she has been taken to or who has taken her. Her brother, Prince Azra, is practically holding me by the balls.

As I placed my darling on my bed, she looked up at me and pulled out her box of cigars. She placed one on her mouth as I lit it up for her. "King Eden is continuing the search due to Prince Azra being desperate. He's worried that the Crown Prince will discover his deeds," she said as she blew smoke towards me. I grabbed her chin and inhaled her scent. She has no idea how crazy she makes me.

"No one has any idea then on where this Princess is at?" trying to make sure that I have all the details. In case I have to search for this bitch all on my own. She tilts her head to the side and throws the ashes to the side. "No, My love, but can we not talk about this bitch? I hate hearing her name come out of your mouth. You're mine after all" she said teasingly.

"All yours, Darling," I smiled as I kissed her soft lips. Maybe it's best to get the Mafia involved. I would pay a good sum of money for them to retrieve the Princess, so I can sacrifice her and have her body hanging in my room.

"Darling, let's get the Mafia involved. The sooner I kill her, the faster you and I can marry," I said as I rested my head on her shoulder. She began to giggle as she turned towards me and covered my face. "Then set a meeting with the Mafia Lord!!! I'm sure he would be so happy to hear about having to retrieve a princess for us" she said. "We just have to be careful with our wording... As you know, Caz Monroe is the right-hand man, they don't like hurting the innocent," I purred as I felt her shiver down her spine.

She turns towards me and smiles before kissing me. "Well, make her look completely evil" she whispers as she engulfs me with her love.

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