Chapter 5

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"Where is my sister?" I yelled as I finishing slaying the last intruder within the palace. Prince Sylas was the last person to be with my sister, and I want to know right fucking now as to why she's not with him. Darkness hurled around me as I slammed Sylas against the wall while he winced in pain. "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO PROTECT HER, YOU BASTARD" the silence in the room made it seem as if it was only us there, but no amount of silence can fill the towering rage that was seeping inside me. I used my power to create chains to hold him against the wall. He gave me an apologetic look and towards my parent who were shivering in rage.
"I promise I scoured the Twilight tower before sending her Highness there.. I never sense any traps at all" my guts were twisting and turning as he kept apologizing profusely. My eyes met with the Queen as she was sobbing for her missing daughter then my eyes met with my father's blue eyes, "What do we do now? Do we announce to the other kingdom that Princess Aurora has been kidnapped?" I asked hoping that my father would have a plan on rescuing my sister from those disgusting pieces of shits that took her.

Everyone waiting for the King's order as time was ticking by; it could a be a matter of time to know before something happened to my sister.. Her powers have not fully awaken yet.. She can yield a sword to a certain extent, but once her powers fully awake, it's completely over for everyone. I always told Aurora that she was the fate of our people, and I meant every word of it. Percy and Ashley walked into the study while licking off their enemies blood, they immediately gave Sylas a dirty look.

Sylas demeanor changed as he sighed in annoyance. This brat has some kind of nerve to be looking annoyed as it wasn't his fault that the princess has been kidnapped. The blade of my sword yearning for another slice as I placed it below his neck. "What the hell are you on about?" I asked while his eyes met mine with boredom. Who the hell does he think he is?

"Azra, put your sword down!" The Queen scold. My power shifting from dark aura to a wall placed between the two of us. There is no way in hell I would back down. "Prince Azra, you will lower your sword for as you know, killing another Prince would cause a war" Queen Audelia yelled. As much as I hate having to back away from this bastard, the queen unfortunately has a point. No good will come from war especially in the middle of a crisis.

"If you're done with threatening me, may I have a word in?" He said as he tried to use his own magic to break away my chains.
"Speak" I said as I lowered the wall between my family and I.

"Before I asked her Royal Highness to escape through the Twilight Tower, I took the liberty to mark her" he said grinning slyly as everyone's eyes widen. You don't just mark someone you're not married to.. You have to be married to in order to mark someone, and if you dare to mark them without being married to them, they won't ever be able to get married to anyone else.

"Excuse me, I think there's something in my ear because i clearly did not hear that right"' Percy announced. He snapped his fingers as a towel appeared to wipe his ears. You know, when it comes to serious situations, Percy never seems to take it seriously.

"She's marked"
"The hell you mean she's marked?"
"Exactly as it sounds"
"She's your fiancee for fuck sakes, not your wife"
"She will be"
"Yet, you can't just mark her. What if your parents decided to marry you off to someone else? She won't be able to marry since she's marked by you"
"I requested for my marriage to be with her and no one else"

I really wanted to rip this man apart. Does he really lack a sense of dignity that The King and Queen haven't informed me about? How could he be so delirious?

"My sister is no animal" I snapped. His face tilted with confusion as he shrugged his shoulders. I never understood why my parents had approved of this arranged marriage. Aurora has always expressed that she wanted to choose her betrothed, but here we are, without my sister, and under attack.

"I didn't say that she was an animal.. Princess Aurora has always had such a charming side, and she's so kind" he said as he faced the rising sun.

"I marked her, so if you excuse me, I will be looking for my fiancée now" as he pushed me away. His dark red eyes glowing as he walked out the palace. If he wasn't spewing bullshit and actually marked her, we should be able to find her captors and kill them all. I will kill every single one that placed their hands on her.

Every Single One

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