Chapter 2

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We stood in the middle of a beautiful adorned throne room as the King and Queen were sitting on their throne. Their grim expressions were blooming all over their body as our servants were rustling through the room. I curtsied as I look at my parents. "Your majesties" I said.

The throne room was covered in flowers, banners, and paper cuts of the moon: I didn't understand why they were having the room so well adorned. Were we welcoming someone important? Surely, mother would have told me.. I looked towards the King and Queen, waiting for their response.

Queen Audelia has always looked beautiful, red eyes, black hair, defined cheek bones, defined nose, and defined lips. She was known for her beauty ever since she young. Her soft red eyes grazed upon all three of us as her expression became darker. The three of us were looking at each other confused, trying to remember any inappropriate behavior that we may have done. Anticipation started to get the best of us as we couldn't bear the silence.

"Princess Aurora, Princess Ashely, and Prince Percy, you've been summoned on the condition that you three will start training within the military" she said.

Such revelation was not anticipated. Never in the history of the Moon Kingdom has a princess been part of the military. I looked at Ashely whose face was pallid and Percy who looked so lost. Percy comes from the Winter Kingdom in where my aunt and uncle are the rulers. Ashely belongs in the Whisperwood Kingdom. I couldn't grasp the idea of us being soldiers.

As the King saw our horrid faces, he cleared his throat as he began to speak. "I'm aware that within our history, there have never been soldiers who are princesses. The decision wasn't taken lightly, and we need you three to train here... In the Moon Kingdom"

Decision? What is he talking about? What is going on to cause this rash decision? A political issue? Why is he being secretive?

"With all due respect, your Majesty, why are the three of us being sent to training?" Percy said in a low growl. "Let's say it's for a test" with an authoritative voice as my father's words started to sink in.  All I wanted to do was walk out of the room, but as one would say you aren't to be dismissed as his majesty tells you to.

"Before you all return to your chambers, there's one more announcement. Princess Aurora will have a ball for her 21st birthday, she will be meeting her betrothed that night"

Rage started to build up inside my chest as my eyes began to turn red. I have explicitly told his Majesty that I will not be getting married until 27. If I was confined here as a barbarian rather than a princess, who knows how my future spouse would be. I want to choose my betrothed. I refuse to be bound to someone who will treat me as a barbarian.

The sheer iciness of my voice made everyone look at me as I defied my King.


Queen Audelia immediately used her power to enclose me in a bubble to reprimand me from talking back. I wasn't scared of her powers, I wasn't scared of no one's powers. The only power that truly scares me is the legend of a vampire whose power may singlehandedly destroy an entire kingdom if used for evil or help grow one if used for good.

Staring back in defiance, I stood there holding my ground while everyone else watched in horror. The Queen has never used such methods to punish her children: How interesting that I'm the first. After 15 minutes she burst the bubble, sending me flying across the room and hitting my back towards the wall. Blood trickled down my neck as I stood back up wishing to eliminate her crude power.

"Eleanor, you ought to take her highness, Princess Aurora to her chambers. Her designer is waiting for her. Princess Aurora, be a dear and clean up your blood before you get measured" Mother said.

With that I knew I was dismissed, pain throbbing down my body as I forced myself to walk. I will never give anyone the satisfaction of seeing me down. No matter how much it pains me. I kept walking down the corridors of the hall while all my body guards were looking at me with concern. Of course, you would never expect for a Princess like me to get hurt, but here I am.

As I stood in front of my royal chambers, the feeling of hallowed emptiness started to rise on my chest. A feeling that I have not felt in a while. My eyes started to turn to a deep shade of blue as I pushed open my door. The aroma of roses hit my face as I entered my sanctuary: A trail of red roses spreading across my wall as I looked around, my bed covered in pastel pink sheets, and my ceiling covered with the night sky. This was my safe space, my sanctuary. Lydia was standing near my dresser as she curtsied while I walk towards her.

"My gorgeous Highness, what a pleasure to see you again" her voice as soft as caramel as she looked towards me.  A warm smile crept up my face as I reached to hug her. Lydia has always been my favorite designer, she just makes the most stunning gowns that I have ever laid my eyes upon.

"Lydia, I'm so happy to see you!" as I hugged her so tightly. "Likewise, Your Highness. Now, what kind of gown would you like?" She grinned as she set her materials down. "Whatever you think is best" I said as I waited by the window hoping to get this ball over with.

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