Chapter 33

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I never thought that I would ever be walking through the underworld. Harlots were whistling to get my attention, but I wouldn't even look their way. Erix's goons looked at me intensely, waiting for me to make one wrong move. They don't understand that I am on their side. Ashes were the most notorious group throughout the country: No one has dared to cross them.

As I walked through the streets of the underworld, I saw Ash members dismembering a body and placing the remains in the box. I grinned while they turned towards me, giving me a threatening look, but I waved them off. I approached a red building covered in graffiti, and the foundation made my kingdom look like rubbish. The big black doors were covered in ancient language I'd never seen before, and Caz Monroe appeared out of nowhere before I could open the door. He was wearing a tight black shirt with ripped jeans. He was undoubtedly handsome, but it was too bad that he was in Ashes. He would've made a fantastic guard for me.

He leaned against the building with a chilling stare. "What the fuck are you doing here, Sylas?" He asked, annoyed. What a warm welcome. Cut to the chase before he chops my head off is better. No one within Ashes would ever leave a man or woman alive. Never. "I would like to meet with the Mafia Lord," I smirked, trying to go past him, but he uppercut me before I could take another step forward.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" He growled as I tried to stand but placed his foot against my back. He has some nerves when putting his foot against royalty. "Prince Sylas from the Lumar Kingdom, must I remind you?" I growled. He rolled his eyes as he pressed me down further. "Why are you here?" He asked more menacingly. "I have a proposal," I retorted. I knew this bastard did not like me, nor I am not asking him to like me. "I need help capturing a certain individual," I smirked as if I were looking up at him.

His face remained blank as his powers began to seep through, engulfing us with a scent of lavender and vanilla before everything went dark.


"You would not fucking believe who is here to see you, My Lord," I stormed in while Aurora was sitting in the corner doing embroidery and Erix was doing paperwork. They both looked at me, confused when I pointed to her Royal Highness. "You need to hide her right fucking now," I said annoyingly. The Mafia Lord sighs in annoyance before removing his glasses and brushing his hair. "This better be good because I'm here trying to figure out who the fuck has been stealing my money and giving it to other kingdoms," he snarled as he threw the documentation toward me. "Find them, gut them, or do whatever, but make sure they stay alive enough for me to make the final kill," he said as the Princess looked at him, a bit terrified. He glances at her and walks towards her before lifting her chin. "My love, you know this is for duty purposes, and I would never hurt you in any manner," he said.

You know, I'm all for love and all, but if I didn't fucking have Sylas in the containment chamber, then I wouldn't be irritated. "Oh, for the love of God, can you shut the fuck up and listen to me?!?" I hissed while he glared at me, wanting to gut me out, but he knew I wouldn't curse him if it weren't necessary. "You better have a good fucking reason," he growled as his power began to pierce my skin slowly. His powers pierce mine, except for Aurora, who watches in disappointment. "Sylas is here to see you," I said before he made me bleed even more. Both of them froze, but that didn't stop Erix from going to a full-blown fury. 

"I don't fucking want him in my domain. I already know what he's going to be asking,". He hissed at me. "I think you should take advantage of it," Aurora whispered shyly. His body stiffened when he heard her say that; even I couldn't believe my ears. He slowly turned to her worriedly while her face was full of determination. 

"Why?" he croaks, trying to figure out how to get her out of this situation.

She smirks at us before placing her embroidery on his desk. "Well, if you pretend to work with him, maybe you can get more insight into what the King and Queen of the Moon Kingdom and the Lumar Kingdom are planning," she said 

Erix looked hesitant and crossed his arms. He didn't want anything to happen to her, and I didn't. Having the Prince of Evil here could put her at risk, and we promised Prince Azra that his younger sister would be safe here. 

I began to chew the inside of my cheek out of sheer nervousness. Of course, taking this proposal will help us keep our persona as the most feared, but even if we don't take it, we will still be the most feared. It's just a matter of killing a few people, so be it. "I'll hear his proposal, but you hide in my chambers. Do not leave until I come to get you," he said as she nodded and quickly ran to his room. Erix began to chant a spell that I never thought I would hear in my entire life.

Protect the light within

For no evil will slip in 

For the one within is my heart 

You protect her until the end

Until you hear the last call

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