Chapter 36

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"Your Royal Highness! You know better than to slack off during my lessons!" Mrs. Gwen scolded as she placed another book on my desk. A week has passed since I saw my sister, and so far, I've gotten no updates from any of the Ash members on her wellbeing.

Mrs. Gwen kept talking about Royal Etiquette while I began to devise plans to infiltrate the Lumar Kingdom. No matter how many plans I devise, the only one that makes sense is for me to marry Syla's younger sister, which I do not wish to do. Fuck, all this makes me want to rip my hair apart. I haven't even met the girl, and I'm already annoyed. 

"Prince Azra!" My instructor yells again as she slams her hand on my desk. I didn't care about duty right now. The only thing I care about is ensuring my sister stays alive, which is my main priority. I looked up at her with her eyes glaring down as if I were a delinquent. She's always been strict with my studies, but recently, I've been occupied with more important things. "Whatever it is that is bothering you, I suggest you put that aside and focus," she hissed. 

After her final warning, she resumed discussing etiquette for the next two hours. I never knew such a class could be so dull over time, but here I am. Mrs. Gwen left after packing her things, and my room was again highly at peace. I stayed silent for a good few minutes before locking my doors. I moved my blue dresser to the side to access this kingdom's hidden passage. I need to know more. I have to know more. 

Down the golden stairs until I reach my father's chambers. I've never been too sure if he knew about the passages hidden within our castle, which I highly doubt. He was in talks with the Queen about my marriage to Princess Xlyvie. "Having our son marry our dear friend's daughter is perfect. Everything is going according to plan, Eden," my mother says as she spins around. My father grabs her waist and kisses her. 

They break away from their kiss and hold each other for a few minutes before my father begins to speak. "Alice is preparing her chambers.... I took the liberty to change Azra's entire schedule to accommodate the Princess," he says as he lifts her and takes my mother to bed. I immediately left because I did not want to witness whatever that was. I took a slight right turn, following the golden path to my room. 

When I entered my room and moved everything back into place, I laid back on my bed and cast a quick spell to summon stars on my ceiling. Tomorrow was going to be a new day to meet this Princess. The only logical way of getting information was through her, and if I have to pretend that I'm in love with her to get it, then so be it. 

When I stood up again and left my room, I watched the stars swirl through the ceiling. I wouldn't have gotten anything done if I had stayed in my room and researched. There had to be a way to save my sister, but the only way I knew was either slaughtering my father or forcing him to abdicate the throne. 

When I reached the battlegrounds of my castle, most of the royal guards were sparring against each other. The area's air was full of blood and sweat as some of the guards treated their wounds. The battleground was built with brick and wood and had beautiful carvings. I began to look for one of the guards to spar with until someone grabbed my shoulder, causing me to swing and immobilize the person behind me. 

"Woah, woah, woah, it's me! It's me!" Percy shouts. I let go of his arm and apologized. He glared at me before dragging me to an open arena. Excellent, what a day to get my ass beat. We began to circle each other while everyone else yelled at us to swing. Percy charges at me and throws a right hook, which I dodge. I turned my right leg towards his ribs, and everyone cheered as Percy stumbled. 

We both continued to fight until someone's power separated us. I looked around to find the idiot who dared to interrupt us, but none of the guards were using their magic until my eyes reached a beautiful woman with brown hair and yellow eyes. Her crown glittered a bit as she lowered Percy and me. 

"Do all Princes only like violence?" he huffs as she walks towards us. Her cheeks flushed bright pink with annoyance. Percy and I looked at each other, confused, before we glanced at her. This can't be her. Right? She's due to come for tomorrow. 

"Who are you?" Percy asked as he leaned towards her, trying to scare her. She stands tall and stares right back at him. Without breaking her stare, she confirmed my suspicions. 

"My name is Princess Xylvie Eshler, Fiancee of Prince Azra, the Future King of the Moon Kingdom." 

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