Chapter 6

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I began to hear faint voices as I slowly began to regain consciousness. As I opened my eyes, I only saw a dark room and a couch in front of me, but I couldn't recall what occurred. Where was I? My head throbbing as I examined more of my surroundings. No signs of my captors, but why me out of everyone?  Because I'm well beloved within my kingdom? What a bullshit excuse, at least they could've kidnapped me because they taught I was cute or something?

During the middle of conflicting thoughts, the door opened as I saw two guys walk in. One had red hair with red eyes and broad shoulder; the other guy had purple hair with purple eyes, he had a lot of scarring on his left arm, piercings on both ears and lips. Red eye dude walks towards me and crouches down to my eye level while smiling sinfully.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Princess Aurora" he said as I held my stare against him. Oh how I wished my powers were fully awaken so I can melt this man on site? My glare intensified as I spit at him. He wiped his face while smiling sinisterly as he grabbed me by the chin and got close to my lips.

"I suggest you behave your highness, because the next time you spit will be the last time you'll smile" he said as he planted a tiny kiss on my lips.

My eyes started to turn red as I turned away from him. I now appreciate my father for considering to place me in the ranks. I kept trying to back away until the purple headed guy grabbed my chin and jerked my head to the side. He examined my neck as he saw two fang marks on my neck. He slightly grazed it as I winced in pain.

"Interesting.. You're not married, yet, you're marked.. Looks like we have to take drastic measures" He said as he looked towards the other guy. The man approached and looked carefully at my neck before cursing and grabbed my arm.

"My dear Princess, I apologize for the harsh treatment, but we have to take you far away" red eyes said as he threw me other his shoulder. There's no amount of running away that they could do since my fiancee will always find me through this mark.
"You're just being fools, you can run, but they will find me" I said as I started to bang his back.
"You can't underestimate us.. There's one way where they can't detect your scent, and trust me.. you will not be going back for a while..." He said.
My eyes widen with fear as realization struck me. There's no way he means heading to the mortal realm. The moment we step borders within the mortal realm, it immediately marks my death sentence.

I started to hit his back even more, but that only tightened his grip. Tears were flowing down my face as I looked towards the purple eye guy. I swear that I could see a hint of sympathy through those eyes, but he immediately shut whatever thoughts he had down. He reached his hand towards my face and started to wipe my tears.

"We're not your enemy" was all he mustered to say and they kept running. What did they mean they're not my enemy? They just kidnapped my for fuck sakes and now they want to act like heroes? I kept trying to free myself from him grip until my surroundings changed. It wasn't the dark lovely forest I saw around me. The forest here was more grim, more dark, more dead.

Purple eyes covered my mouth while Red was running. They reached a small cabin that was in the middle of nowhere. The windows were covered and the fences were demolished. As the kicked down the door, the inside was so much more cozier than the outside. Red placed me on the couch as they both pulled their chairs in front of me. I want to know their names because addressing them as red or purple won't get me far. They both took out a small cloth and started to wipe my tears and sweat away. My mind wasn't grasping what was occurring at all until red stopped in front of me and examined me closely.

"Your Highness, you're very pretty, why would you want to marry someone like him?" He asked as if knew about him than me, but I don't know him either. However, my gut instinct is telling to trust Sylas.

"What do you mean someone like him?" I asked as I looked all over my surroundings. Trying to plan a perfect escape route.

"With all due respect Auror-"

"That's Princess Aurora to you. Do not dare to speak to me as we're close"

They both looked at each other and smiled. I wanted to wipe off that smile off their faces. I wanted to make them suffer like my ancestors who tortured the traitors.

"With all due respect, Your Highness, Prince Sylas is not someone you should marry. He's not a good match for you" Purple eye said.

Who the hell are they? Why do they believe they have the right to dictate my life? I'll marry who ever I want and whenever I want.

"Who the hell are you to dictate who I marry or not" I snapped at I withdrew my sword from my body. Their eyes widen as they saw my sword and they immediately took theirs out. I didn't care if I died trying to escape, but I wasn't going to sit idle in hopes they rescue me.

"Princess, we should act like civilized people, so I suggest you put you sword down"

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