Chapter 1/Introduction

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Hey guys, I'm just gonna get to the point, this story is not one of those cliché ones where they fall in love from first sight and stuff. So I hope you give this story a chance, and I hope you like it.
"Scar come on, I'm sick of this," Jasmine said hoping that Scarlett would agree with her.
"Fine, come on." Jasmine was seriously shocked.
"Really?" Her eyes were now sparkling with hope.
"Yeah. Let's have some fun."
NOW THAT'S A FIRST thought Jasmine smiling.
See, Jasmine and Scarlett, best friends since childhood, they have this reputation as perfectly good girls : good behavior, good grades, good attitude, basically good everything. They wanted to break that reputation for one night only.
They decided to go to LA's most famous club.
Jasmine and Scarlett moved to LA for a little while, at first it was Scarlett's parents that were against it but they agreed afterwards since Scarlett's grandmother lived there.
"Do I have to wear a dress?!!" Nagged Jasmine.
"Yes, Jas you do! I'm gonna do your make up as well," Scarlett said giving Jasmine a small glare.
"I heard that!" Scarlett said with a victorious smile on her lips .
Jasmine wore a light blue dress with her brown hair stick-straight reaching the end of her back.
Scarlett wore a pink dress, her black hair curled beautifully, and her eyeliner making her eyes dangerously attractive.
"I look stupid," Jasmine said.
"You look incredible," Scarlett told her as she practically dragged her out of the house.
"How are we gonna get past this huge line," Scarlett asked as they looked past at the extremely long line waiting to enter the club.
"I got this," Jasmine said with a mischievous smile curling across her lips."Follow me."
Janine made her way to the security at the very front of the line, moving her hips in a,hopefully, seductive way. It seemed to work as the security guy's attention was now on her.She snaked her hand from his back all the way to his chest.
"We came a really long way and we were hoping to get into the club, maybe with a little help from someone....strong," she said as her hand was now on his abs moving up to his biceps.
It seemed to work as his eyes was now or never. She placed her lips next to his ear her lips brushing it,""
And with that, they found themselves inside the club like that!
"You got skills," Scarlett said as they made their way inside.
Jasmine quirked her eyebrow, both girls laughing.
The club was packed with people. Lights were blinding, and the music was deafening.
"I'm gonna go dance, come on!" Scarlett said dragging Jasmine towards the dance floor.
"Oh, no I don't dance!" Jasmine said,
"Oh yeah okay Jas!" Scarlett said sarcastically," a couple of these," she said pointing at the bar," and you'll be running to the dance floor."

"Suuurreee," Jasmine replied as she headed towards the bar, a smile dancing on her lips.
Halfway through the song, Scarlett saw this guy making his way towards her. She turned the other direction, hoping he would lose her between all these people.
Her plan obviously didn't work as she felt a strong hand turn her around, finding herself staring into emerald green eyes. GREAT,she thought, a douchebag!

Meanwhile, Jasmine was siting on the bar, feeling her blood becoming hotter as the alcohol traveled through it.
Just as she put her glass down, she saw someone come sit next to her.
She turned the other way, hoping he would not acknowledge her presence, hoping he would not acknowledge her existence!
Obviously, her plan didn't work, as she felt herself being turned around, finding herself staring into a pair or electric blue eyes.GREAT,she thought, a douchebag!
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This chapter's just like an introduction to the story, it's gonna get better i promise, a lot of surprises as well. So please give this story a chance.

Thank you xxx

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