Chapter 18

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******Scarlett's POV ********

"Daniel.. stop." I say looking up into those captivating green eyes.

"What's wrong Scar?" He asks, you can see the anxiousness in his eyes.

"I just think we're moving too fast... baby steps. I am not used to this, and my feelings for you haven't completely developed." I say touching his cheek.

He smiles, for the first time since forever and I am intranced. "Don't worry, I understand. You're right. Come in let's get you inside, you need some rest."

We go inside and I'm about to make my way to the backyard when he grabs my arm.

"What's the matter?" I ask

"Do you really think after all this, I'd let you sleep in the backyard?" He asks pulling me closer.

I put my hand on his chest and push him away "What about Natalia? You kick her out?"

"What? She was never sleeping with me anyway. She sleeps in the basement. As for the other situation with Natalia, we'll deal with it tomorrow." He says as we make our way upstairs.

"I take the bed you get the couch. It's about time I got a good night's sleep." I say while he just rolls his eyes.

I wake up and I can't move, a force is pulling me down. What the...? I look down and see Daniel's arm around my waist pulling me close to him. I look at him and notice a sly smile on his face.

"Hey, don't blame me. It's your fault you're too irresistible. " He says cheekily

"How's this for irresistible? " I say pushing him off the bed. He chuckles.

"Couldn't have thought of a better way to start the day. By the way I have a surprise for you." He says.

I head downstairs with Daniel and it's safe to say, every pair of eyes is zooming in on our entwined hands. I feel uncomfortable and I'm about to remove my hand, when Daniel stops me.

"Everybody mind your own business! Get back to work! Immediately !" Just like that no one dares to look at us again.

"Hey Daniel, where were you last night?" That evil,conniving, scheming daughter of a pepperoni pizza!

I look at Daniel and his jaw and fists are clenched . He's ready to attack. I place my hand on his chest, that seems to calm him down. "May I?" I ask.

"Please, go ahead." He says.

As fast as lightening I clench my fist and punch her right in that fake nose of hers. "If I were you, I wouldn't mess with me again." I kick her knees from the back and she falls to the floor.

"You have 5 minutes to pack your bags and get the fuck out of my gang house. Listen to me well Natalia, if you ever show your face here again. I will not hesitate to kill you." He says menacingly.

"Cupcake?" Kyle.. snicker doodles! How did I forget about him?!?!?

"Muffin. What's up?" I ask innocently.

"I could ask you the same thing." His eyes looking suspiciously from me to Daniel.

"Listen Kyle, no hard feelings, but Scarlett is mine. I hope you understand man, but she was never yours." Daniel says putting a comforting hand on Kyle's shoulder. Kyle pushes it off.

"What happened to relationships between gang members are forbidden." Mocking Daniel's voice and I'm trying so hard not to laugh.

"I said between gang members, not between gang leader and gang member." Daniel says with a smirk. Kyle just storms off.

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