Chapter 10

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*** Scarlett's POV :***

After going to the tattoo parlor, we decided to go to the mall. Currently we are sitting in the Porsche with me blurting out any song that comes on the radio. It was something I always did with Jasmine in our car rides, I guess it just became a habit.

"Damn it. My ears Skylar, your singing is horrible." He complains.

"You know, you can either sit and complain, or you can join me." I say with a wink.

***10 minutes later***

"TURN DOWN FOR WHAT!" We both yell as we're practically dancing in our car seats.

"You know you're not all that bad when you're alone. It's like you have this facade that blocks all your emotions when you're with other people." I say

"Scar, you're forgetting I'm a gangleader, I have responsibilities to other members and to the gang. I have to be a role model to them, it can't be all rainbows and butterflies. This is serious, if I wasn't how I am now .... we would all be dead." He says.

I blink. Once. Twice. I realize, he doesn't want to be like this, but he's in too deep to change now. I finally understand all his actions towards me. He acted like that because he got so used to it with other gang members, he forgets how to act with normal people.

I must've been staring a lot, since he turns his head to me and smirks:
"Like the view?" he ask arrogantly.

"We went over this Dani, I've seen better." I say with a smirk of my own.

"What did you just call me?" He says amusement dancing in his green orbs.

"Dani... Daniel was just too heavy on the tongue." I say with a shrug. Truth is I always give nicknames to the people I like, which are very rare for me to find. But it's not like I'd tell him that.

"I think you're the first person who had the guts to give me a nickname. Even Kyle hasn't yet." He says his face expressionless.

"Hey don't go back to that face. We were okay a couple of minutes ago. You can drop the facade with me." I say and he smiles actually smiles-teeth and all . I think this is the first time I've seen him smile.

This man's smile is perfect. He has dimples! I'm a sucker for dimples... Daniel clears his throat, and I notice I've been staring, I'm doing that a lot lately. I snap out of my daze and remember a question from earlier.

"Why would Kyle be any different than your other gang members?" I ask.


"You said "not even Kyle"" I say adding quotation marks with my hands.

"Oh....that. Well Kyle is my best friend." He says with a shrug.

My eyes are as wide as saucers right now.

"Are we talking about the same Kyle? My muffin Kyle? The one that was scared you'd kill him if he helped me sneak out. That is your best friend." I ask disbelievingly.

"I wouldn't kill him.... maybe just a few scratches. He just likes exaggerating things." He says with a scoff.

I can't believe this man. If I knew Jas was in trouble, or in danger. I'd kill for her safety. I know she'd do the same, I bet she's freaking out trying to find me right now. I bet she blames herself, I should start thinking of ways to escape. I should try again... tonight for her...

"Dani!!!My phone!!!!" I shout. I can't believe I forgot, now that I'm a gang member he must give it back. Daniel looks startled by my sudden outburst as the car swerves.

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