Chapter 11

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***Jasmine's POV:***
Jasmine's standing by the door outside Scarlett's room, and when she expects to hear silence, she hears a thud.
Apparently Lucas heard the thud as well, and I see him make his way to me.

"You alright?" He asks, and I see a flash of worry cross his face, although it fades after I nod, but nonetheless stays there.

Maybe Scarlett has returned from her stay at her grandma's, but I mean I didn't hear her come in through the front door. And this late at night!!? What she had a fight with her grandma!? I've gone to her grandma's a few times, and she is literally the sweetest person ever! She's the bakes-everyone-cookies-on-the-spot kind of grandma.

Maybe Scarlett just....

Heck jasmine! Stop talking to yourself and open the freaking door!

I grab hold of the door handle and start turning it.

But a strong hand grabs mine and pulls it back.

"What if its an armed burglar?huh? I'm not saying you can't take him down, I actually know you could, but something might go wrong if he's armed." Lucas says as he tries to read my face for any sign of understanding.

"When did you become so wise," I say teasingly.

"3 words. The Ellen show." A little chuckle escapes my mouth as I see that smile on his.

Another thud.

That's right, there's someone sneaking into the house.

A louder thud this time.

And something loud...scraping?

Lucas reached for the doorknob, me right next to him, although he tried to keep me behind him, but me being me I refused.

The sound got louder.

Lucas opened the door.

And out it came flying on top of me, pinning me to the ground. I was starting to raise my arm to hit that thing hard in the guts until I realized what it was.


He kept licking my face over and over again, and I hear Lucas letting out a sigh of relief, as he realized it was just my dog.

"That explains the scraping noises we heard," I say trying to free myself from Bud's grasp, but to no avail. He just kept on licking my face repeatedly. I don't even know hows he's managing to breathe!

I finally get him off me, well with a little help from Lucas, as Bud starts smelling Lucas, decides he likes him, and attempts to tackle him down and shower him with dog saliva. But Lucas's shoulders are loose but straight, as he kneels down and plays with Bud.

See, bud is a Siberian Husky. But he's huge, and he's very scary looking to be honest. If you look at his white face, he has a black pattern across it that gives the impression of a frown.

I find myself unconsciously staring at Lucas. It amazes me how good he is with animals. His blue eyes are bright, and a smile is spread across his face.

That smile! It's like perfect. No scratch the like part. It is perfect. And it makes him hell more attractive! He's wearing a black t-shirt that hugs his muscles perfectly, showing his biceps.

He catches me staring....again.

And I snap out of the whole checking him out thoughts.

A small smirk forms on his lips, but he says nothing about my thoughts.

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