Chapter 6

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***Scarlett's POV :***

I expected to wake up in that uncomfortable chair with my hands and legs tied, but to my surprise I was sleeping on the bed I woke up in the last night I slept here. I looked to my right expecting to find Daniel, but his side was empty.

Yesterday I formed a plan before going to sleep. I would act like I was contempt with all that's going on, and try not to cause any problems. The purpose of this is to free myself from that horrible chair. I mean you can't really do much escaping tied up.

I began my adventure down the staircase. As I reached the bottom, I realized that no one was In the house. THIS WAS MY CHANCE. I ran to the door with happiness and glee, but things always go wrong don't they.

"You didn't actually think he'd let you stay here alone... without any supervision.." I turned around to find a man with hazel eyes, brown hair, and a fit looking body.

"One can dream..." I said and added an exaggerated sigh. He chuckles and holds out his hand.

"I'm Kyle." He says, still holding out his hand. I look at it like it has some kind of hidden bomb or something. "I won't bite,you know." He says

"Yeah,but you can blow me up.." I say under my breath, but apparently he heard it because he started chuckling.

"Anyway, I'm Scarlett. I'm guessing you won't be helping me sneak out." I say with hope in my voice.

"Sorry, but I value my life." He says.

"I'm starving..." I say when my stomach starts grumbling. He chuckles and agrees that we should make something to cook for the whole gang.

I never said I was a great cook, last time I tried cooking, I set the kitchen on fire. Apparently Kyle here is a great cook, so no worries, I mean he suggested cooking, so obviously he knows what he's doing right...??!!

"So...what do you wanna eat?" I ask

"Actually, I was hoping you'd have some ideas." He replies.

"CUPCAKESSSS!!!" I scream as I start jumping up and down.

He laughs and says :"It's 2 in the afternoon, Sleeping Beauty."

I look at him like he just killed a puppy "How dare you?! Cupcakes can be breakfast, lunch, dinner,and dessert!"

"Okay okay calm down cupcake... I'm going to start calling you cupcake from now on.." He says.

"It would be an honour." I say and bow.

After putting all the ingredients on the table. We started cooking. My job was adding the eggs and his the flour and the milk. We were making cupcakes for about 50 people. According to Kyle the gang is about 200 people large, but only 50 live here.

As I was cracking my fourth egg, flour was spilled all over my clothes and guess whose fault is that... Kyle.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry I-" I didn't let him finish, I had already cracked an egg on his head.
"Oh it's on!"

"Bring it, bad boy!"

***30 minutes later***

My stomach hurts from all this laughing. Kyle and I are literally covered from head to toe with egg, milk and flour.

"Kyle please.. my stomach... can't breathe." I say in between fits of laughter.

"Okay okay... " he says.

I try standing up, but like the clumsy person I am...I slip. I hold on to the closest object to me which happens to be Kyle. We fall to the floor, with me on top of him and start laughing, but I realize something....

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