Chapter 9

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***Jasmine's POV:***
"Lucas...seriously, what did you mean?" I ask. We were now sitting on the couch facing each other.

"I meant that we want you to join the CIA," he said calmly.

He's joking! Of course he's joking, I mean come on! CIA, really!?

"Seriously, Lucas!" I say kind of annoyed.

"I'm really not kidding Bub! Okay, look. Remember that guy from the supermarket, you also beat him up, remember him?" He asks. I nod my head answering his question.

I did remember that guy.


I was at the supermarket getting our groceries. I remember losing a bet with Scarlett, and how the loser has to get our weekly groceries.

I was casually walking down the aisle after grabbing like a whole box of Reese's, minding my own business when this phsyco showed up.

"Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?" He asked very confidently.

Tip of the day: avoid cheesy pickup lines- not funny nor cute!

With me, on instinct, cheesy question leads to well...a response.

"I actually crawled up from hell!" Right then, I send a strong blow to his stomach, and before he can realize what's happening I slide my foot under his so now he's lying on the cold hard ground, oh,oh. Okay never mind, too much drama.

Anyways, he was really no lying in the ground with one of my feet crushing his hands, and the other twisting his leg in a painful, actually scratch that out, very painful position.

"Next time, at Least take flirting advice." I said as I saw he had gave up.
"I remember that guy," I told Lucas. "Cheesiest pickup line ever!"

"Yeah well Mr.Cheesy pickup lines-aka Nick- is a CIA agent. He came to work next day with a black eye, a really black eye," he said as a chuckle left his mouth," we knew he hadn't been assigned any case, and when we asked him how it happened, he refused to tell us. But Jed got it out of him eventually.

"Okay....doesn't really explain much," I said, still a little annoyed.

"We've seen Nick in action before, he fights well, very well, and it's hard to beat him in a fight. So we tracked the mystery girl, who turned out to be called Jasmine- aka Bub, an-"

I interrupted him quickly," I'm not also known as Bub."

"Yes you are. Anyways we tracked you, and we actually had plans to ask you to join the CIA, but it got delayed when an urgent case was laid upon us. One night, I was at the bar and saw you."

I wonder what the case is.

"What do you say? You wanna become an undercover CIA agent?" He asks, that warm smile returning on his lips.

"Permanently?" I asked, thinking of Scar.

"If you want." And his electric blue eyes lit up when a smirk danced across my lips.

"Where do we start?" I ask, actually excited.
He took me to a place where it's well...a CIA thing. There were a few sections if you wanna call them, but these sections were very big.

Okay, imagine a huge screen in the middle, and like four huge sections around it. Lucas led me to one of the sections, and once we entered, I was met with exactly three pairs of eyes.

I saw Rosie first though. She was smiling warmly, the same smile she had when I saw her earlier today.

"Hi Jasmine. Nice to see you so soon."

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