Chapter 21

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***Jasmine's POV:***


As my eyes try to settle to the dark, I try processing what my eyes have landed on.

But what I see makes me jump back, grabbing my gun...

Why is he in there?

Why is he in the chair?

What the hell happened?

Why him?!

Why JED?

Why is he bleeding!?

Oh dear God he's bleeding!

I quickly step inside-gun still drawn- thoroughly checking if anyone else was in there.

Making sure the coast is clear, I walk back to him quickly, and remove the tape that was placed over his lips.

"We need to get you to a hospital...NOW!" I tell Jed.

He takes a labored breath as I drape his hand over my shoulder," the nearest hospital is miles away I wouldn't make it." He says.

"Oh no,buddy that's not up to you." a smile makes its way on his lips.

"Jasmine,Jasmine! Listen to me." He winces as I try to lift his weight up." You need to know what happened."

"Oh I know what happened." I suddenly put the puzzle pieces together." That backstabbing dog..."

Dog is too much of a compliment for Asher.
"... is working with the kidnapper." He releases his hand from my grip.

"No! He's got nothing to do with this. Well..." He takes a deep breath. He must have lost a minimum of 3 pints of blood by now.

He continues,"You have to find Asher...NOW! The kidnapper left me here as a warning not follow him again, but he took Asher instead."

I try to process everything.

So Asher is not working with the kidnapper...

But the phone call i eavesdropped on?

Asher can take care of himself, how could the kidnapper ever possibly taken him?

I thought he only kidnapped 21 year old girls...that is if it's a he.

Okay Jasmine focus! Now is not the time to start your mind ranting process thing that you do. Jed is dying, and Asher is missing. You need to move now!

I call the CIA headquarters,"I need backup and an ambulance send to this location ASAP. Agent down...and dying."

I turn back to Jed,"Okay Jed, you gotta tell me everything you saw, heard, touched, smelled, EVERYTHING! If you sneezed i want you to tell me, okay?" he nods.

"So, Asher found this place, with the same kill tool the kidnapper uses every time, so he knew that this is where the kidnapper will kill his next victim. He realized that if he called the task force, the kidnapper will simply change his location and we wouldn't be able to even lay eyes on him, making us go back to square one." He takes a deep breath and winces.

The ambulance better get here fast.

He continues," So he decided, why not make the kidnapper think that he's betraying the CIA and working with him, and the kidnapper actually bought it. He had to make it look real, so he lied...A LOT. The next day, Asher found out that the kidnapper is finding his next victim, and to make it look that he's really on the kidnapper's side, Asher told him that he'll kidnap a girl himself- telling him he'll lure her there..."

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