Chapter 20

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***Scarlett's POV:***
*** Recap***

That's when I feel a pinch in my neck and everything turns black...


I wake up with a gasp and a mild cough. The room is unfamiliar and has that horrid sweating smell. I try to move my hands but they're tied to the chair I'm sitting in. The room is completely dark with not a trace of light. Talk about déjà-vu.

I hear heavy footsteps approach and I close my eyes, hoping they're idiots and believe that I'm asleep, maybe drop a hint about why the hell I'm in this dump.

"I heard her cough man, I'm telling you."

"Marcus, you're always hearing things, now shut your piehole and leave me watch the game."

"I'm gonna check on her."


Ok so Marcus is coming to check on me. He usually hears things-hmmm a disturbed fellow I see. Always the weakling let's see how we can use this to our advantage. I decide to change my plan.

The door opens and a scrawny man approaches with the biggest ears, no wonder he's always hearing things.

"I knew you were awake! I knew I'm not hearing things. " He says cheerfully.

"Yeah I heard that fight downstairs. He never gives you credit does he? He sits all day while you work your butt off, but you're still the weak one." I say with a shrug.

"H-how did you know that from just that conversation?" He says startled.

"I know many things, like the fact that you don't want to be holding a teenager captive but would prefer to be with your family right now. I also know you can't let me go and stay alive so how about you tell me why I am here." I say.

" You're right, about everything." a hint of awe in his voice,"You're here because of Moudrich, your boss is his greatest rival. We've been following you for a while and know you're special to Daniel . Now that you've kidnapped Moudrich's daughter... may the lord be with you." He says as he walks out.

Moudrich, that's the gangleader Daniel couldn't get to... My train of thought is cut when the door slams open and I see a very short figure standing near the door .

"Where the hell is my daughter?!"

***Kyle's POV***

"Hey Kyle. She's awake, she's refusing to talk to anyone except the cheesy pickup line dude, I'm guessing that's you." Zach says with a smirk.

I head up to see Sleeping Beauty with my heart pounding and my stomach clenching. Why the hell am I so nervous to talk to a hostage?!

"Hey." I say with a smile.

"Don't hey me! You moron! You tricked me, you don't know who you're messing with. I swear when i get out of this chair I'm going to castrate you!" She says snarling.

"Wow easy there Sleeping Beauty. No one wants to hurt you, it's your dad we need . He has something that is ours and you happen to be a way of getting it." I say with a shrug. Bad call since that only makes her even more mad.

"By the way, what happened yesterday wasn't fake at all. Planned out maybe... but not fake." I say with a smirk.

"I will murder you!" She says as she strugglez in the chair, attempting to free herself but to no avail of course.

"Ok listen. Your oh so precious father has kidnapped a very important gang member, she's only 18. We need you to help us get to her. He kidnapped her to win some sort of rivalry with my boss.Wake up sleeping beauty we're not the bad guys here. It's your father."

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