Chapter 2

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***Scarlett's POV:***

As I turned around, I found myself staring into a pair of captivating green eyes, I found myself studying this "mystery man". He has a strong jaw and a chiselled face, he has a faint scar above the metal ring in his eyebrow, he has a very strong build, and he is wearing a leather jacket completing the intimidating look.

"Like what you see?" I was cut out of my thoughts by his deep voice.
"Actually... no I've seen better" and with these few words I run to the bathroom.
What is wrong with me? I've never said that to anyone! Or maybe it was because I don't have any experience with the opposite sex.

I stare at myself in the mirror.. my long black hair now looks like a bird's nest so I try my best to pat it down, my eyes still look striking from the eyeliner, my pink dress clings to my skin showing my curves and the slight muscle in my legs and arms from taking self defense classes since I was 10 ( 8 years ago). I just stand there staring at myself wondering why in the world did I let Jasmine drag me into this mess.

After a little pep talk with myself, I leave the bathroom and find him outside the bathroom doors. Seriously what is up with men these days.. are they all like this? Instead of wasting my time with him, I went in search of Jasmine so we can leave this place. I think it's enough fun for one night.

Just as I passed him, I felt something grab my arm and turn me around so my face was pressed against his chest.
" Is there something in particular that you need?" I asked
"" and just like that I broke out into a fit of laughter, like clutching my stomach kind of laughter, while he looked at me like I'm crazy.
" Where did you get that one" I said after sobering up.
"No actually I made that up... I was pretty proud of it actually, you wound my ego." This guy doesn't know when to stop, I mean I'm not used to this kind of attention and I want it to stay that way.

I try searching for Jasmine in the bar, dancefloor, and I was just in the bathroom she couldn't be there. She left me... well that's refreshing. I have 2 options either I could call a taxi, or continue partying cause this would be the first and last time I do something like this. The option I was going to choose was obvious.

I go back to the dancefloor and start swaying my hips to the beat of the song. Suddenly I feel hands on my hips, I look up expecting it to be "mystery man", but it's a different guy, so I let it slide. I look at my hips and realize that this man's hands are no longer there, I turn around to find mystery man ( let's call him nb1) beating nb 2 to the pulp.

I run to help poor nb2 cause I know I can. I guess this is where those self-defence classes my parents forced me to take come to use. I grab nb1's hand before it reaches nb2's face and twist it till he cries out in pain. He tries throwing a blow, but I quickly dive under it. Finally, he realizes it's me and grabs me by the arm to a secluded corner.

My back is against the wall, his hands holding mine above my head, his breath fanning my face.
"How did you do that?" he asks with suspicion.
"How did you do that?" I repeat the question, his moves were quick and smooth like they have been practiced.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you." his face inching closer to mine. I decided to play his game too. I flipped us over so his back was on the wall. I brought my lips so close to his and whispered: "In that case, I guess it's too bad your not me." His eyes darkened with lust and he started inching closer, but I quickly pulled away. I quickly covered that awkward moment with a question.

"What's your problem anyway, go bother someone else, don't you get the message I'M NOT INTRESTED!!" I practically yelled.
"Don't YOU get it, it doesn't matter if you're not I am" he said in a deadly calm voice.

Honestly I think it's time to go with the first option again and just call a cab. So that's what I did.. or tried at least. Just as I was dialing the cab, nb1 decided to snatch my phone.
"What are you doing?" he asks
"Not that it's any of your business... but I'm calling a cab." I say
"No I'll drive you."
"I think I'll pass."
"I didn't ask you."
"Well that's too bad, because order or question, I don't take lifts from stangers with attachment problems."

I didn't realize that during this conversation we got so close to each other , our lips almost connecting kind of close. Thank god for the interruption, the door of the bar suddenly opened and cops started coming in. I didn't really know why I should run I'm not intoxicated, but apparently nb1 had other ideas.

" They saw you with me, you're in danger, you have to come with me." he said in a panicked voice.
"Danger?! So what if they saw me with you? Who are you anyway? way, I'm not going with you. Especially now!" I said with a million questions clouding my mind.
"I'm sorry." he says. Those were the last words I heard before I felt a pinch in my neck and entered a deep sleep.
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