Chapter 23

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***Jasmine's POV:***
"Let's review our current status." Lucas says as he draws his gun out of its holster," We go in when the backup unit arrives, guns drawn, we surprise them. Grab Dessman before he can realize what's going on, we don't want him to use Asher as a hostage or something worse.

I add,"Remember Dessman's kill weapon-a machete- is most probably with him. He also has Asher and Jed's guns."

As if on cue, 2 gun shots ring through the air.


"Forget backup, I'm going in there," I say as I start running, I hear both Lucas and Rosie following.

Asher can't die, he just can't.

Yes, he's been a real pain in the ass. All my memories of middle school are of him bullying me and Scarlett, and of middle school being hell outside the classroom because Asher and his friends would make fun of us.

But I can't deny that the assigned mission together brought us closer, because it did. And I realize that what I told Lucas in the boxing range was true. Middle school was a long time ago, and so many thing have changed. So many people have changed.

The way I feel about Asher has changed. When I look at him now I don't see flashes of him bullying us. I see him as he really is now: A fellow agent, who is goofy, but kind of smart how he handled our mission, at least before it backfired.

I crouch down reaching for the clasp of the door leading to the church basement. There's not a sound coming from down there.

Asher can't die!

I pull the door open, revealing a stairway. Lucas pulls me back, and goes in first.

He can't think I can handle it?!

As if reading my thoughts," This plan has already backfired once, can't let that happen again." His face is determined, his jaw clenched.

I nod sternly. We can't waste any more time.

I follow Lucas, and Rosie takes the rear. My eyes take a few seconds to settle in the dark, and I see him. I see Asher blinking, I let out a sigh of relief, but hold in a breath as fast as I drew one in.

He is lying on his back, drenched in his own blood. Lucas runs to see if Dessman is alive, but he's not. He has a bullet in his head. My mind instinctively starts to put the pieces together.

Dessman tried to aim a bullet to Ash's heart, missing. Asher shoots Dessman straight in the head.

But clearly Dessman missed not very far from Asher's heart. Asher is clutching the right side of his chest which was still bleeding excessively.

I run to his side. It looks bad, really bad!

" How bad is it Jas?" He says wincing.

I can't tell him. I can't tell him that this time he might not actually make it. I don't even wanna think about it.

"It's not bad." I lie, but I can tell it's not very convincing," Asher, you're gonna be fine." I look at Rosie and she calls to see where backup is. We need a medic now if there's any chance of him making it out alive. I look at him, and we both know that there is no chance.

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