Chapter 17

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***Jasmine's POV:***
Shane keeps his hand on my cheek, and holds my stare for a while. I never realized how deep his eyes were. I smile at him, and he returns it. We just stand there smiling, his hand cupping my cheek.

I hear a very familiar voice saying "Jasmine?"

I turn around to find...Oh crap! It's Lucas!


Great! It's luacs. I act as if everything happening is normal.

Actually it is! There's nothing going between luacs and I. Nor is there anything between Shane and I. So...

I face luacs, and ask him casually," Hey Lucas, anything new?" I plaster a smile on my face.

"Yes...apparently." He says as he points at Shane and I. I can almost see the venom dropping off the sides of his mouth!

I give lucas a "not-a-very-good-joke-try-again-sugar" look.

He speaks up," I just came to tell you we've found vital information that could lead us straight to him. Clearly, you have more important things to do."

And with that, he turns around and leaves, not even glancing back to make sure that I know he's upset.

I look at Shane who seems literally stuck in a stage between awe and... amusement.

Uh!! Why are people so complicated?! See, that's why pizza is life! Chocolate is life! Who am I kidding?! Food is life!

"No comment." I say as Shane opens his mouth to speak.

Shane takes me back to the CIA building, and I can't find Lucas anywhere.

I didn't do anything wrong, but I don't feel comfortable if I know someone's upset with me.

I head to the boxing range. Well yeah, being in the CIA has its privileges.

The place is empty, no one there except me. Perfect! Public humiliation isn't possible here.

I don't even know why I came here. I guess I was just wondering around the compound trying to find Lucas, and I... well ended up here.

I start punching the bag.

Why does it have to be so complicated?!

I punch again.

Where the hell is Scarlett!?

I punch once more, increasing the force with every punch.

He doesn't have the right to be angry or upset with me. We're not even a...thing. Right?!

I punch the punching bag with my hardest blow yet. And I feel my knuckles burning up as I see blood oozing out of them.

Great! I scream with at the top of my lungs.

Hell no! Not because of pain. Trust me... I don't even feel. But because of the rage boiling inside of me.

I hear a shuffle as a figure emerges from the shadows. I grab my gun from its holster, and point it toward the moving figure.

"One more step, and I'll shoot! " I say.

And... As if wanting to make me go mad, the person takes one more step forward.

"Okay buddy, this us getting real!" I say as I remove the lock off the gun.

The figure takes another step forward, emerging partially from the shadows.

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