Chapter 14

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AN: I'll start this chapter with a part of chapter 12 that went missing. Sorry for the confusions.

**Recap of chapter 12**

***Scarlett's POV:***

"Ladies and gentlemen, today we are celebrating one of my greatest achievements which is opening this new orphanage. Actually my greatest achievement wasn't this.. why did I put that here." Richard says scowling at the paper in his hand.

"My greatest achievement was selling those drugs to the kids, yeah that's more like it." He says

Gasps were heard all around, security immediately snapped out of their state of shock and put Richard in handcuffs. However, just as they were about to leave, a famous reporter jumped out of her seat and said: WAIT! Who sold you the drugs?!"

"That man!" Richard said pointing directly at Daniel.

Suddenly all heads snapped in our direction.

**Chapter 14**

Holy guacamole! How's Daniel going to get out of this one?! Who knew he was just full of surprises.

Next thing I knew a gun was pressed to my head, just as I was about to duck and tackle whoever had the nerve to point a gun to my head Daniel whispers:" Play along."

"No one move or I kill her, and all her blood will be on your hands!" Yells Daniel , and just like that every movement stops, I notice the look of hesitation in the security guard's eye.

"NO PLEASE! Don't let him kill me! Do as he says, he just needs an escape and he'll leave me alone. Please!" I plead with watery eyes. Everyone believes me and drops their weapons making room Daniel, Zach , and I to pass.

Thank you drama class.

Daniel and I hide in the shadows while Zach rushes to get the limo. I glance up at Daniel and see his jaw and fists clenched. I wisely decide to keep my criticism on his oh so tactful plan for later on.

Most of the car ride was spent with Zach and I exchanging glances through the rear view mirror, silently daring each other to say something to Daniel. Finally, I decide to be the bigger man and talk to him. What's the worst that could happen?

  Just as I was going to open my mouth, Daniel beat me to it: "For your sake I suggest you keep that mouth of yours shut, you've already done enough."

How dare he?!

The nerve!

Already done enough? !

What the hell did I do?!

With these thoughts clouding my mind, I didn't realize we reached the gang house until a rough arm grabs ,me and pushes me outside. I've had enough of him treating me like some rag doll. I grab his hand and twist it until he yells in pain.

"Don't fucking touch me." I say in a low menacing voice, and go inside the gang house.

I kick the door open and march into my room ignoring everyone else. I take a shower and change into some sweatpants, puffy shirt, and flipflops. I leave the bathroom to find Kyle sitting on the bed.

"What happened." Kyle asks.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Well you're going to talk about it whether you like it or not, Daniel is ordering a gang meeting he asked me to call you, he doesn't look happy."

I ignore him and march downstairs and find the whole gang downstairs waiting for me. I take my seat next to Zach and Kyle joins me on the other side as we wait for Daniel to start his speech.

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