Chapter 25

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***Jasmine"s POV:***


"Yeah, there's more," Shane says," You have a 'long-lost' brother, and I know who it is."

"And you're waiting to tell us because..." Lucas says quickly.

"Well in the database it's Danil Wolf,"Shane says. It feels so weird and foreign hearing someone else sharing my family name.

"Okay.. Do we already know anything about him?" I say suddenly.

This time Lucas speaks up, his jaw is set and his expression solemn," Yeah. He goes by the name Daniel, and he's a gangleader..."

"Yeah, right,"I let out a loud laugh. I can't help but laugh at how stupid this sounds.

I put up my hands up as if in surrender," Okay, okay, you got me, prank's over."

But Shane's face is as grave as ever," I knew you wouldn't have believed without proof Jas," he takes out a couple of papers from the folder he's holding.

It's all there, it's all true. I have a brother that my grandparents never told me about, and he's the most wanted gangleader...

Thoughts and possibilities of all kinds start swimming into my mind, but one question stands out.

Why did he abandon me?

I still can't process all this, this must all just be a nightmare. Now, if I pinch myself, I'm gonna wake up. I am. I move my hand to my arm and pinch myself, I'm still here. I pinch myself again, harder this time. I look around, nope...still here. here we go again, one more time...

"Hey, hey, try not kill yourself will you?" Lucas grabs my arm. Both Rosie and Jed look frozen between a state of awe and disbelief. Shane, though, he looks worried. Lucas moves his hand to mine and leads me outside.

How is this even possible? How can this be happening?

My granparents didn't think I'd want to know I have a brother? How coud I forget, oh wait I was 3 I couldn't remember a thing! But, how could forget me? Was I that bad?

After a couple of agents pass by us, Lucas puts his arms on my shoulder," Jas, you okay?"

I give a 'you did not just ask me that' look.

He rubs the back of his neck,"Sorry, wrong question."

I don't know how much longer I can keep it together, I wonder how much time is left before I go crazy.

"Jasmine, TALK TO ME!" He says desperately.

I shake my head,"Lucas, how can I be okay? My whole world is falling apart!"

He presses his forehead to mine and smiles," So rebuild it."

I draw in a breath, imagining all the burdens coming up with my chest, and I let it out-the breth and all the burdens.

He's right. I have to start somwhere, and that's by finding this long-lost brother of mine.

Lucas seems to have read my mind, he presses his lips to my temple and says with a wide smile," Let's do this."


***Lucas's POV:***

I can't believe how strong Jasmine is. With all that's happened with her: her middle school bully turns good, then gets shot a while after and dies in her arms, and she discovers she has a brother after 14 years of thinking she lost all family in the fire when she was just almost 4 years old- and all that's just this week!

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