Chapter 22

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***Scarlett's POV:***


(Daniel's POV:)

I don't know if he's playing some game...any game at all, but I also don't really care at this moment as long as Scar is here in my arms...I'm good.

"Sounds good to me. It's  a deal!" I say as I shake his hand.

I hear a gun relaod, I look left and see Markus pointing a gun at me. He starts applying pressure to the trigger. 

......a gun shot.......

I feel something thick and cold running down my cheek. I feel it on my lip, it tastes like metal. I hear guunshts, a lot of them, and i feel something heavy drop behind me. Someone shot Markus.

Someone saved my life...

It doesn't hurt, but I feel lightheaded. Why is everything blurry? Why is it all turning black. This has never happened before. My brain is trying to snap back to reality, fight whatever's happening to me right now, but it's like my body is refusing it.

I  feel an arm pushing me forward into a car, a very black car, black, it's all black...

***Scarlett's POV:***

I can't remember the last time I was this worried, but I can place a safe bet it would've been for some calculus test or something. God, it seems like a lifetime ago! All these times with Jasmine, just memories now. 

I miss her so much. Wherever she is now, I hope she's alright, I hope she's safe. After all I've seen and done, I sure as hell hope she's somehwere safe away from all this danger and craziness.

I look at him, he looks so peaceful. 

If we were back at that bar the first night I met him, I would have never in a million years thought I would end up here, with Daniel by my side.

I find myself studying him closely. His color seemed to have returned. He was very pale, and he's got one hell of a tan, so that's saying something! His dark hair is standing up in different places, so it's still normal! His lips are rosy again. 

I have been sitting all morning looking at all his scars, wondering how he got each of them.


I jump back at the sudden raspy voice. His eyes are still closed, and breating stedy. I look back, the door of the room is still closed. I don't dare say anything, listening closely, maybe I just imagined it.

The voice spoke again, this time a little softer," I know I'm hot and all, but it's kinda creepy." 

Yup, he's definitely back! I let out a laugh as I run to him and hug him tighter than ever before, as if afraid he'll run off.  

"How long have I been out, and who's ass do I have to kick?" He says and I break the hug, and  he takes out the IV line from his arm.

" Almost two days," I say," And Moudrich's."

He just stares at me awe splashed across his face as I continue," That low-life somehow knew you would react by making peace, and apparently ordered his men to shoot you once the deal is done. When Markus was just about to pull the trigger of the gun pressed to your head, Kyle shot him in the knee. After that all hell broke lose, gunshots flying in all directions, and you looked like you were about to die from nothing in particular, but Zack managed to lead you back to the car and we drove away."

I see his hand go up to his cheek and lips.

I smile at him, "I cleaned the blood off you, don't worry." He returns the smile. God how I missed that ridiculously goofy smile.

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