Chapter 26/End

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(Jasmine's POV:)
They break the hug, and I hear that strongly sweet voice," Jasmine?"

I don't think I ever smiled that wide, but I guess seeing her again makes anything possible.

"Hey, Scarlett."

***Scarlett's POV:***
I throw my arms around her, and I don't care that I'm getting crushed, I just hug Jasmine tighter. It seemed like a long time before we break the hug.

As soon as I turn to look at Daniel, his
face is plastered with confusion. The guy with Jasmine has the exact expression. Only then does the whole situation dawn on me.

How is Jasmine here?! 

"How are you here... And why do you have a gun?" I ask as I see one in its holster sitting on her hip.

"I could ask you the same thing," She says as she pulls out the gun from where I tucked it behind my back.

I don't answer I just stare at her. how is this possible, how is she here? And who is the guy with her? She can't be here, unless...

Daniel speaks first," I would say meet my little sister, but I see you already have."

Son of a spicy enchilada say what now.

Little sister... That can't be, but how?

"H-how is t-that possible," I can't help but stutter.

"Jasmine, would you min taking this one, I've had to do it twice already." Daniel says entering the ganghouse.

He smiles at Jasmine who mirrors his actions," I got this one big brother."

"Come in, Lucas. Let's have a drink, and I'll show you around." He says coolly.

"How do you know I won't arrest you?" The blondie called Lucas tells him, but a smirk dances on his face.

"I don't." Daniel winks at me, while the others laugh and Lucas follows Daniel inside.

What in the name of hell is going on here?!

"Well, where shall I start?" She says as that ridiculously goofy grin makes its way on her lips.
" we caught Zabinkski's guy, the French ambassador is still breathing, and we came for the after-party to big brother's house."

I can't help but smile at her. She sounds so happy, she looks so happy.

She makes a hard left as she sends us both swaying maniacally with the car.

"You always sucked at this," I say as I rub my arm. " How did you even get your dream car?" I have always wanted the brand new white Range Rover, the one with the jet-black windows.

"Duh, Scar...CIA privileges." She smiles at me and winks.

I smile back at her, I'm happy. This shouldn't be any better. I have Daniel and now I have Scarlett back, and the people I love most turn out to be family. It's almost too good to be true.

But I go with it, it's the happiest I've ever been and I am not about to ruin it. Although Jasmine is smiling, mumbling along to a fallout boy song.

I realize it's 'Sugar we're going down." Jas loves this song.

"How'd you even have time to make all these Mixes," I say as I look into her glove compartment and find half a dozen CD's.

"I didn't, it was a gift from Lucas. 'Not for you, for the car' he said," and I see soemthing in her eyes. Everytime he has come up when she was trying to explain all that's happened, her smile widens. Her eyes become brighter, and she laughs more.

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