Chapter Three

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Theo didn't understand exactly what " not liking how Scott looked at Theo " even meant . Matt had thought that Reed was being jealous but Theo had laughed off that. Jealous of what ? Scott was a nice enough young man but Reed had nothing to worry about. Why would he worry anyway ? Reed was gorgeous and the perfect man in every possible way. Every day Theo thanked God that Reed was in his life. He still didn't quite know what the man saw in him.

" I'm so glad they have machines to put postage on these things , Theo said to Reed who sat beside him at a table , " I licked stamps as a kid and it's disgusting. I don't know why they can't make the things taste better. " Saint overheard Theo's comment as he was passing behind them with a big Texas sized poster of himself , Matt and Livvie touting family values. He laughed and patted Theo and Reed on both their  shoulders. " Thanks , guys , for coming down as much as you do ! You all and all my volunteers are so incredible ! With support from you all I just know we got this ! " " You know we do , baby ! , " Matt said cheerfully as he ran about with a stack of brochures that featured his family's smiling faces. He collapsed for a second in a chair at their table of volunteers. " Saint is a shoe  in to win. " Saint smiled widely at Matt , his eyes full of love for his husband , and kissed him atop his red curls. " My biggest supporter. I really couldn't do this without you , M. "

" You'll never have to do anything without me , baby , " Matt said happily. " I got your back , Jack. "

Reed looked at one of the leaflets featuring the young happy couple. " You two take a good picture. If it was based just on looks and personality you'd be a shoe  in to win. Especially when compared to Beauregard and his Botox face third wife. Even when smiling they look like they hate each other. " Reed was not a big fan of the city's current mayor. Or any type of fan really. Theo agreed. About the picture and the fact that Beauregard was a lousy mayor that supported nobody but his rich cigar smoking cronies that looked like him. He had a fierce stranglehold on the local mayor's office. It was high time for him to go. There was also the stories Theo had heard about the mayor ; mostly from Theo's best friend Charles LeClair who always had his ear to the ground about anything of importance in the city limits. According to Charles Julius and Janice Beauregard were more The Adams Family then the Brady Bunch even though the man was always talking about " proper family values ". Rumor had it the older fifty something couple was on the verge of divorce and right before the election. Of course , Charles had said , a lot was being held back by that campaign manager of the mayor's. B.J. Baldwin. Now that man sent cold shivers down Theo's spine. The campaign manager that was. And Beauregard himself too. After the latest political debate Theo had caught Baldwin looking at Saint and Matt as they hugged afterwards. The man had  been smiling but somehow it made Theo very uneasy. The man gave off sinister vibes. He seemed in that moment to be a predator gleefully watching prey he was hunting. When he had mentioned it to Reed that night in bed his husband had agreed with him. " The mayor is a used car type , " Reed had said , " but that campaign manager seems a special brand of evil. A vulture in Gucci loafers. I warned Saint to be careful with that one. I don't trust him. Or the mayor. " Theo had tried to ward off the sense of impending doom he felt right then.

The front door of the small storefront office opened and in strode Saint's own campaign manager. Lyndsey Kent was a tall skinny Black woman in her mid thirties. A beautiful woman with a wild mass of coal black curls , snapping with intelligence and energy black eyes and flawless dusky brown skin she was dressed in designer jeans and a Vote Saint 2019 campaign shirt. She was no fan of the current mayor because of his lackluster civil rights record. She also was the mayor's very bitter ex wife who knew him better than most. It had been her who had pushed Saint to run against the mayor. Right now there was worry marring her perfectly made up face which was unusual for her. Reed noticed that too , exchanging looks with Theo. She looked at Matt and Saint who were whispering to each other. " Saint , can we talk ? " She glanced at Matt directly. Then Theo and Reed. " Alone. "

Saint believed in being as transparent as possible. About everything. He said , " Whatever you have to say just say it here. I have no secrets from my friends and volunteers. Or my husband. " He smiled at Matt and Matt smiled back.

Lyndsey pursed her lips at them all. She sighed deeply. Amateurs , her eyes seemed to say. " I'm assuming none of you have seen today's paper , " she said , waving it in the air dramatically. She handed it to Saint who took it. He looked at it and so did Matt , Reed and Theo.

Matt paled and sat back down fast.

Reed cussed.

Theo's hand went to his head , feeling a headache creeping up.

The paper screamed out in stalk black newsprint " IS SAINT'S DEVOTED HUBBY STEPPING OUT ON HIM ? IS MATT UP TO HIS OLD 'TRICKS ' AGAIN ? " There was a big picture of Matt kissing another man. Or what looked like Matt kissing another man. It was a obvious photoshopped picture and looked amateur done. Down below in equally bold newsprint it detailed information about Matt's past as a homeless street sex worker in New York.

" Oh my God , " Matt moaned. He looked devastated. " Saint. Zach ! This isn't true. The kiss. I never would..... I never would. I'm so sorry ! "

Saint pulled Matt into his arms and comforted his distressed husband. His face showed nothing but love and devotion to Matt. And trust. " You have zero to apologize for , " Saint said. " Your past is a done deal. Your past is your business. Nobody else's. " Then he turned to Lindsey with rage building in his eyes. " I want that rag The Washington Reign to retract that story with a full front page apology to my husband. If I don't get it tell them I'll sue them into the year 5050. "

Lindsey nodded. Her face was grave. " Already done , Saint. I got you. I got you both. Now  , guys , the damage is already done. In politics nobody cares about a retraction. Most don't even read retractions. Everyone in this city has seen this. Half will believe it. Especially your homophobic detractors. We need to go somewhere private now. You and me. To do damage control. "

Saint nodded and went with Lindsey into a small room in the back.

Matt turned to Theo and Reed. His green eyes were huge and brimming with tears. His lightly freckled face pleaded for their understanding. " I never did what they're saying. Not the kiss. I would never cheat on Saint. Never. I wouldn't. "

Theo patted his friend on the back. He hated seeing his friend this way. " We believe you , Matt. Nobody who knows you will believe this. We will find out whose telling these lies to the media. "

Reed looked at his husband and Matt. Then to the closed door to the room where Saint and Lyndsey were. The tall Black man sighed. He didn't have a good feeling about this election. He wanted the current mayor out of office but what would it take to do that ?

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