Chapter Six

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Matt : So Reed walked into your office unexpectedly and basically found your very clumsy self in the arms of your new intern who looks like a young Tom Cruise?

Theo: Yeah. That's about right.

Matt: Wow. Just wow. Only you, man.

Theo : Thank you. I think.

Matt: So is he upset? Wait. Let me rephrase that. Is he pissed? I did warn you he was jealous of Scott. Maybe rightfully so. I think the guy has a crush on you.

Theo : Pissed is an understatement. Yes. We had a talk when we got home. Not a  fight. We didn't want Benji hearing us. He wants me to get rid of Scott. That's unreasonable to me. The kid did nothing wrong but make sure I didn't hit the floor. Reed is acting like a macho jerk and it's not like him at all. I don't believe Scott has a crush on me. Why would he? I'm not the type to inspire crushes. I love Reed. But this is my business and I'm running it. My employee decisions are mine only. I don't tell him how to do his job, do I?

Matt : You could inspire crushes. You're too hard on yourself. You're a very attractive man with a wonderful personality and intelligent. I can understand Scott's crush. Reed'll get over it.

Theo: He better. And soon. Or his ass will be on the sofa this time. Bad back or not. Speaking of husbands has yours said anything more about the article and picture?

Matt : Not much. Beyond his saying my past is my business and insisting that I'm faithful to anyone who will listen. And I am faithful. He's quiet usually. Too quiet. I think he's regretting deciding to run. He wants to run a honorable campaign about the issues only. He won't let Lindsey return fire even though we all suspect the story leaked from the mayor's people. Lindsey wants us to do some on the town type events with Livvie to show us as the happy family we are. She has me doing an interview with a reporter named Thaddeus to get my side of the story out. Talk about when I was homeless. She said it could make me look more sympathetic in the eyes of the public. Boost the approval rating in the all important polls. I'll do it but I don't want to. I don't want to remember those days when I was eating out of trash dumpsters , sleeping on the streets and selling my body for a few bucks. But I will do it for Saint. I'll do anything for Saint. He doesn't want me doing it though. He says I worked too hard to build a new life to get tossed back in the past.

Theo: He's right. You're not the same person you were then.

Matt : But I am. Oh I'm not hungry anymore. Or lonely. Or forced to turn tricks. But sometimes I wake up sweating and scared. I worry sometimes that fate will roar up and take everything I love. Saint. Livvie. My job as a pastry chef at the cafe. My home. You guys. I'm so scared, Theo. I can't tell Saint. His father is the one who drove me out of our Georgia hometown. Saint is still angry with him. He still blames him. He hasn't talked to The Judge in years. He said he never will.

Theo : I understand your fear , Matt. I think it's pointless though. You will never lose any of us. Saint adores you. So does your daughter. Her little face lights up every time she sees you. Reed loves you like a little brother. So do I. We will always be there for you.

Matt : Always have my back, Jack ?

Theo : lol yes I will always have your back.

Matt : Good. Because I need to know who exactly is trying to ruin my life. Will you please come with me tomorrow to the Reign office to talk to that reporter who wrote the story? If you're not busy.

Theo : Of course, Matt.

Matt : Cool ! So , we're saddling up as Watson and Holmes again?

Theo: More like Lucy and Ethel. Least the newspaper will be safer than the Brown family Church.

Matt : Hopefully. Should I bring the gun again?

Theo : No ! And leave that man purse home too.

Matt : It's not a man purse. It's a tote bag.

Theo : Matt , it's a too bright rainbow colored man purse with old baby food stains.

Matt : Well we can't all be snappy dressers like you, Dancing Theo.

Theo : Matt , stop texting.

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