Chapter Seventeen

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       The next day was Saturday and after leaving the children with Winnie Palmer and his boyfriend Dennis ( Winnie was debating whether to switch his major to forensic science) Theo and Reed were heading to a brunch meeting with B.J. Baldwin at a waterfront cafe in Georgetown.

       They arrived on time. B.J. arrived fifteen minutes late. Then they saw him striding confidently through the Saturday afternoon crowd over to their table on the patio. B.J. Baldwin looked average, bland , routine, ordinary until you saw his eyes. One was pale blue, the other light grey. Both were as lifeless as as a dead fish.

          Reed stood to shake his hand as his green eyes swept over the man , mentally assessing him. He found him to be lacking as his grandmother had often said of people that had no real moral fiber.

         Theo had no desire to shake his hand. The man gave him the creeps. The last thing he wanted was to touch him.

          B.J. smiled coolly as he and Reed both sat down. His hand waved casually at a server who showed up promptly with a cloying smile. He ordered a bottle of imported water and a clean glass of ice on the side. Reed and Theo ordered black coffee.

" So , I was surprised to hear through a mutual associate that you wanted to meet with me. I'm flattered. I've seen your little YouTube video. Dancing Theo, isn't it? You're famous , sir. "

He flashed them a pearly white smile that reminded them of Jaws. Reed glanced at Theo. His eyes sent the unspoken message that this was Theo's show. He was just there for back up. And back up he would be because he didn't trust Baldwin.

Theo leaned forward and said," Can't say I'm flattered to meet you. '

B.J. laughed. " You wound me, Dancing Theo. Theodore. I may call you Theodore? I feel I know you through your online persona. And due to this unusual political race. Politics makes for strange bedfellows , you know. "

He reached across the table to pat Theo on the shoulder. Reed grabbed his hand before it reached his husband.

" Don't touch my husband."

" So sorry," he smiled warmly although his eyes remained ice. " I forget you're from Texas, Reed. May I call you Reed ? You Texans can be so volatile. I'm from Louisiana so we're like cousins. Let's get down to business then shall we ? I might be just a dumb old lawyer from Louisiana but I sense you and your cowboy husband didn't ask Charles LeClair to arrange a tete a tete with me to indulge in my stimulating conversation. What do you want? "

Theo smiled. His eyes were equally cold. " We think your mayor is behind our friends' current troubles. We want it to stop. Or we will go to the police with our suspicions. And the media. "

Theo was bluffing of course. They had zero evidence to take to the media or police. Yet. But sometimes you had to dangle the right bait to catch a fish. And he was trying to reel in a piranha.

Baldwin's smile widened. " And tell them what, little dancing man ? That your friends have a troubled marriage? That your friend Matt is highly unstable and has a seamy past that may have resulted in murder? I feel for them. The mayor feels for them. In fact he called your Saintly Saint earlier today to offer his deepest sympathy. The mayor is that type of man. He cares deeply for all his constituents. Of which the St. Austins are. Of which you two are. "

Theo dug deeper. " Did he also care deeply about the murders of his last opponent and his opponent's wife. The Jacobs ?"

The man's mismatched eyes began to glitter with what looked like rage. He smiled on. " Now. Now. I thought you were smart enough not to listen to gossip. The mayor was very grieved by the tragedy. He sent flowers to the funeral. He was out of town when they were killed. He was at a family funeral. "

Theo was just getting started. Having Reed by his side gave him courage. So did remembering the distress Matt was in right now. " They died during a home invasion robbery. A robbery. Just like the robbery at Saint and Matt's home. Where was the mayor then ? Another funeral? "

Baldwin stopped smiling. " That's none of your concern. If you and your charming He Man husband want to help your friends get them a good lawyer. Convince Saint to drop out and focus on his very untidy life. Your Matt doesn't look strong enough for prison. Pity.  Now if you don't mind I must dash. I'm meeting the mayor at the Republican Women's Club. He's giving a speech. Politics never slows down. It's an adventure. I love it. Your friends are learning that intimately. Good day. "

He stood abruptly and strode away.

Reed was looking at Theo in amazement. " I think you hit a nerve , little dancing man. "

Theo sighed. " I think you're right, He Man. "

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