Chapter 6: To far is so my thing!

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The 3rd round is here, and Ash vs May is under way. For May this battle is personal. May thinks he broke her friends, so she's gonna break him. For Ash, it's just another day at the office.

Referee: Trainers, send out your pokemon

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Referee: Trainers, send out your pokemon.

May: Battle time Glaceon!

Ash:Lets get this over with. Houndoom, send em to hell. We're gonna mega evolve in this fight so it's faster.

Referee: Are both trainers ready? (nods) Then battle begin!

May: We're gonna make your pokemon colder than your heart! If it's even possible! Ice beam.

Ash: This lady is weird. I don't even know who she is. (reference!) Does she even know type match ups? Let's get this over with. Houndoom mega evolve. Your ability is gonna make you a living cannon.

Strings of black light appear around Ash, and his dark/fire type just became the true embodiment of hell on earth. Glaceon fires an ice beam, and it is a direct hit. The Houndoom though doesn't have a scratch. With a mighty roar, Houndoom coats itself in fire. Glaceons clearly sweating, and it seems she's hoping her trainer knows what she's doing.

May: Not even Mega Evolution can save you! Glaceon Shadow Ball!

Ash: (Rolls eyes) This girl. So pathetic. At least Misty and Brock had potential. She'll never beat my Flare Blitz shield. Burn her ice type. Just eat the shadow ball, then use flamethrower.

Glaceon fires the shadow ball, but Houndoom just retracts the fire around its mouth just enough to eat it. The doggo puts the fire shield back, then fires a massive jet of pure fire. The ice type screams, then falls to the ground defeated. It never even had a chance. May returns her ice type, and out comes a pokemon who will make Ash's defeat sure to never happen. May sends out her Venusaur. The grass starter looks at the Houndoom, back at his trainer, then back Houndoom.

May: We may be at a type disadvantage, but we can still do this! Poison powder, followed by leech seed!

Ash: Hm. Maybe there's hope for her after all. Burn the leech seed, then surround the tank in pure darkness.

Venusaur fires the seeds, but Houndoom just steps on them and they are burnt to a crisp. She fires a dark pulse, but instead of hitting the Venusaur, it surrounds it. The poison powder tries to launch, but is dissipated by the dark move.

The darkness tornado squeezes, effectively neutralizing the overgrown frog. With one last roar, Houndoom fires a shadow ball right into the tornado. A huge explosion of darkness appears, and when the smoke clears, the Venusaur is out.

In the grass starters place is Mays ace. The hoenn fire starters final evolution, and a mega stone necklace. May mega evolves KFC, and a red glow appears around the Blaziken.

May: You can't beat us! You won't hurt my friends. High Jump Kick!

Ash: Hurt? I only hurt people who get in my way. What an annoying twit. Houndoom end it in one move. Use Rain dance, (somehow it can learn that) then Psychic Fangs. Latch on and don't leg ( get it?) go. Charge up a fully powered point-blank Hyper Beam.

Blazikens knee glows a blinding white light, and she jumps high into the air. The devil dog just rolls her eyes and makes her fire shield dissipate.

The dark/fire mega jumps into the air and bites Blaziens leg. The dog's fangs are purple, and the starter screams in pain. The dog and chicken land on the ground still in their positions.

The fangs are in Blazikens leg, and the chicken is shaking her entire body trying to break free. Houndoom charges up a hyper beam in 3 seconds, and fires. KFC is defeated, and her master is furious. She returns her pokemon and runs at Ash.

Before she gets close though, Houndoom jumps in front of her and growls. The pokemons eyes have blue fire in them, and her fangs are yellow, making popping noises.

Ash gestures with his hands, and Houndoom runs off and stands next to her trainer. Ash returns her, and throws out his Gardveior.

G: My master wishes to know what you need. And if he senses any lie in your mind, he will leave.

May: You made Misty Cry! You are an evil man.

G: My master says he is not evil, nor does he care for your friend. It is simply business. He asks for you to leave.

May: And if I don't?

Ash returns his pokemon and walks away. May chases after him and keeps yelling. Ash ignores the girl and keeps walking away. Once both are away from the cameras, Ash's hand glows blue and May is suddenly latched onto the wall. He turns around and his eyes are a swirl of blue and purple. The colors of Aura and Psychic.

Ash: You listen good and well girl. I am not like the people in your life. I am your worst nightmare. If you come near me again I will kill you. And it won't be painless. People are disrespectful nasty things. If you ever come near me again with ill intent, then you will never throw another pokeball again. Got it?

May nods her head furiously and she's crying. Ash releases her hold on her and she collapses. Her hair is a mess, and her face is soaked with tears. Ash glares at her and walks away. But his translator is a little annoyed.

G: Master, be nice to the girl. All she was doing was defending her friend's honor. She cares for them, but was just overly emotional. Go back to her.

Ash: Fine.

The boy turns around and walks back towards the brown haired girl. He looks at her for a moment, then "speaks".

Ash: I am sorry for the way I acted. You were in the wrong, but I was a bit harsh. For that I am sorry.

May: I am sorry for yelling at you Ash. Thank you for apologizing. Maybe we can..restart?

Ash nods, then has a small smile. May blushes, but scolds herself.

May: Well my name is May Maple from Petalburg town.

Ash: My name is Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town, and I'm the world's first mute trainer.

May: Can you train me? *with a small blush and in a hurried voice

Ash: *sigh Why not. Meet me by the battlefield by the hotel tomorrow. You can bring two associates if you'd like.

May: Thank you! I know exactly who to bring. My best friend Dawn is wondering about him. She'd like to come. And maybe Misty or Lillie.

Ash: May be warned I can read your mind *yelp from May and I don't care who Dawn or Lillie is, but no Misty. And I won't explain why.

May: Well...ok then. See you tomorrow Ketchum?

Ash: Yes you will Miss Maple. And keep your lewd thoughts about me to a 

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