Chapter 36: Boom, bam, lose!

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Ash was in front of Wyndon tower, along with May, Dawn, and Lillie. Ash was formatting the plan, knowing just blowing the base up won't work this time. Ash knew teamwork was key, so he made teams. Him and May are going to take the place down, while Dawn and Lillie will find and imprison the admin known as Rose, or known to the public, Chairmen Rose. The girls were told not to engage unless Ash was there, so their main priority was to get information implementing Rose as an admin, so Leon could throw him in jail.

Ash found out there were two main locations. The home of Rose, or known as Wyndon tower, where they would find him and the evidence. The other location was the actual team base, underneath the dragon city gym leader.

Ash: Remember the plan. You see him, do not engage. Get the information and find him. When me and May finish up taking down the base, we'll take him on together.

Dawn: And how do you plan to take it down?

Ash: Most likely they have Eternus in there. I'm going to capture it, then put it in the hall of origins. Once the legendary is secure, May and I are going to capture all the grunts, get evidence, destroy everything that needs to be destroyed, and then join up with you.

Lillie: You can count on us Ash.

Ash nodded and grabbed May's hand, then teleported away, Lillie and Dawn walked up to the building full of confidence and entered. People won't pay you any mind if you act like you belong and will be more suspicious if you try to be stealthy.

Dawn walked in and immediately went for the elevator. She pressed the button all the way to the top. Dawn and Lillie waited for the elevator to come, nervous, but confident. An employee started walking up to them, with a stack of papers in his hand. However, before he could talk to them, the girls were in the elevator and away.

Ash and May were directly in front of the door leading to the base, or known to the world, a power plant. A guard was in front of it, so Ash had to dispose of him. Before he could, May walked up to the guard full of confidence. The guard looked at her and paid her no mind. Ash walked up next to her, same thing. They opened the door, and the guard let them.

May: You don't have to resort to violence every time you see a problem, Ash.

Ash: But it works.

May rolled her eyes at the trainer, knowing he would never admit that she was right. They were still walking through the base, and for some reason encountered only a couple grunts.

Dawn and Lillie finally got to the top and started sneaking around. But for some reason, a lot of Silver grunts were in the area, almost everywhere. Ash had predicted a majority of the grunts would be at the base, and he was incredibly wrong. The girls were even more careful, now hoping something won't go wrong. And something did go wrong! But not for them.

While Ash and May were sneaking around, they got caught. Ash blasted him, though when the body hit the ground, the gun went off. Ash grabbed May's hand and sprinted through the building, knowing stealth wasn't going to work anymore. 

 They ran around, and with some luck, they finally found the powerplant. In a glass case was a Master ball. However, it was surrounded by 6 grunts, along with a Moltres overhead. Ash gritted his teeth, knowing that this wasn't actually the ball. It was a decoy, and the actual ball was somewhere else. The ball just didn't have the aura of power containing a legendary, especially one like that. The legendary ball was actually around Moltres neck, not in a Master ball but in a cherish ball, blending into Moltress skin.

Ash mind messaged the information and the plan to May, who prayed Ash didn't die, seeing as his job was to distract literally everything while May grabbed the ball. Ash fired an aura sphere at Moltres who dodged, then let out a caw. The grunts started shooting at Ash, along with Moltres and the grunts' Pokémon firing moves. Ash just grinned while him and his Lucario (who was bait to make sure no one figured out he was the aura user) were fighting. They were winning, till Moltres hit Lucario with a fire blast. The steel type got shot back and burned. Ash's smile faded, but Lucario ignored the pain and launched a Dragon Pulse, knocking out a grunt.

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