Chapter 10

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The atmosphere was different this battle. All the ones before everyone wanted Ash to lose. But this time, the crowd was indifferent. Well, most of them wanted Ash to lose, but some were cheering him on.

Ref: Trainers, send out your pokemon! Go Ash!

Dawn: Showtime Scovillan!

Ash: Ninjask, I Choose You!

Ref: Battle Begin!

Ash: Maybe this battle will be worth my time. Ninjask, focus on dodging and setting up for now.

Dawn: He'll either set up or brute force it. Ninjask isn't the most brute force pokemon. We need to take it out quickly. Flamethrower!

Ninjask is flying around the stadium, while Scovillans redhead fires a jet of flames. Ninjask just swirls above the flames, while a red glow appears. The bug/flying type swirls around the pokemon, but faster this time.

Dawn: Is that..speed boost? This is gonna get dicey quick. Scoviallan fire spin around the entire arena. Charge up a solar beam.

Ash: Solar Beam? Really? Ninjask go up. When she fires the beam at you, just dodge.

A red tornado covers the entire field. Scovillan charges up solar beam, while ninjask just flies around. Another speed boost is taken, so now the bug is even faster. The tornado dissipates, like it was never there. With incredible speed, Scovillan is suddenly hit by an X-scissor. Scovillan gets on one knee, but still fires the beam. Ninjask simply flies under it, but the bug is hit by a seed bomb in the back.

When the flier hits the ground, a jet of fire engulfs the ninja. But the bug simply gets back up, with a small burn mark. The Ninjask glares at the pokemon, before another red glow surrounds it. Dawn was smirking, but now she's terrified. That was a super effective hit, but it didn't do any significant damage.

Ash: Huh. My first time getting hit in a battle. That should have destroyed my beetle, but it barely burned it. Well, she's doomed. Ninjask, go nuts.

Ninjask: NINJASK!! NIN NIN, JASK JASK, NIN! (We're gonna sensor that. That beetles got a mouth)

The beetle disappears, then reappears in front of the pepper. The fire type is hit in the head by a poison jab and is quickly returned. Ninjask has another red boost.

Dawn: Mamoswine! Ice shard!

Ninjask speeds towards the mammoth and cuts the ice hurling at it. Ninjask flies under the beast, then uppercuts it with an X-Scissor. Mamoswine hurls into the sky, which proves how powerful this bug is.

Dawn: On the way down, heavy slam!

Mamoswine glows gray, before landing right onto the bug. Dawn smiles, happy she took out one of Ash's pokemon, but Ninjask could care less about her happiness. The bug-flying type catches the mamoswine.

Dawn: IMPOSSIBLE! Mamoswine Ancient power!

Ash: Ok time to step in. Use Slash one hand, Poison jab other. Cut the rocks in half, then launch them back with your wings.

The rocks fire at Ninjask, who flew away, but are cut into tiny pieces. Then fired back with Ninjask's wings. The speed of them makes the bug's own tailwind. The rocks hit mamoswine in the face.

Ninjask rushes up to his opponent, and fires a slash, connecting with Mamoswines tusks. The pokemon shrieks in pain, before passing out. Another red boost.

Dawn: What kinda Ninjask is this! It just destroyed Mamoswine! Never make Ash's pokemon angry, I guess. Piplup, time to shine!

Ash: This is gonna be too easy. She's right about not angering my pokemon.

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