Chapter 42: Only one way to go.

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The power of Gods!

Ash was back in the arena, and he still hasn't tested out his new powers. That would have to wait, as Ash was battling a so-called prodigy. During the battle, Lillie, Paul, Brock, and Leaf were on a mission to find the location of the Tao trio, along with Ash's Gengar and Krookdile.

Ref: Today we have a battle against the mute trainer, owner of Gods, Ash Ketchum, vs the Kalos Prodigy, successor to Diantha, Calem!

Calem: What up Mutey! We both know you ain't winning against me without one of your gods, so show me ONE!  

Ref:  Trainers, send out your pokemon!

Ash: Gardevior, sweep the area. Gallade, sweep his team.

Calem: A Gallade? Pathetic. Chesnaught, you're up.


Ash: This time, we go first. Mega Evolve Swords Dance.

Calem: Poison Jab!

Gallade and Ash started glowing, and black/red tendrils surrounded the fighter. Gallade was covered in red sphere, before becoming Mega. Chesnaught started running at his opponent, arms glowing purple. The psychic fighter grinned, and set up a sword dance, glowing a bright orange. Chesnaught hit Gallade with his move, but the pokemon caught it. Gallade threw Chesnaught into the air, then jumped up. Using Psycho Cut, Chesnaught hit the ground hard.

When the plant got back up, he was kicked in the face by Gallade into the dirt, knocking it out. Calem clenched his teeth, clearly upset. Gallade lowered his arms, not caring what was next. Calem sent out Blastoise, his other starter. The turtle fired off a Hydro Pump, but Gallade just chopped it in half. Gallade laughed and started running. In a panic, Blastoise pointed his torrents down, causing him to fly.

Gallade, looking a little annoyed, jumped right up into the jet of water, ignoring the pain. Gallade smacked the turtle's back with a sacred sword, then slammed it down with a drop kick. Before the turtle got up, Gallade fired off a psybeam, taking out the pokemon.

Calen was even more annoyed now. Calem expected the trainer to send in a god, then he'd win. The others would see how strong he is, but this was not in the plan. Calem sent out his fossil T Rex, who let out a roar quite similar to Jurassic Park. Galllade was still in the air, so the dinosaur decided to just jump up and eat him. After a moment, the pokemons mouth started glowing.

Gallade opened the dinosaur's mouth using his hands. At the same time, the t-rex glowed in Psychic energy, then was thrown into the ground. Gallade punched the t-rex into the ground, over and over again. And just like that, Calem was down two. Then the Malmar came out. Gallade just used an X-Scissor, making it instantly taken down. Calem was so mad, his arm was shaking. When he sent out Absol, he was so mad he forgot to mega. Abosl fired off a dark pulse, but Gallade jumped over it, one shotting with an X-Scissor.

Ref: Ash is the winner!

Calem was furious, but when he looked up from the ground he was looking at, Ash was gone, like he wasn't even there in the first place. The mute trainer was in Area Zero, ready to start experimenting. First up was water. In area zero there were a couple waterfalls, so he decided to test it. Ash raised his hand in front of the water, then moved his hands around. The water followed his hand and started to take form. Arecus had given him a small rundown on how to use his powers, so he wasn't going in completely blind.

Ash closed his hand, and the water turned to ice. Ash opened his hand again, and it was back to water. Ash dropped his hand by his side, and then the earth started to move. Ash raised his hand, and a clump of earth came up. Ash punched out, and the rock flew into the air. Ash raised his other hand, then the air became a blade, slicing a crystal. Ash held his hand, a small ember appeared. Ash pointed out his hands, and Lighting appeared.

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